I am sick

Filed Under: Health, Pregnancy    Posted On: 02-19-2012

I haven’t been in with a cold or a bug for about a year and a bit! I have thought I was ill but that was down to lack of iron and hav­ing anaemia but I am sick spacer and have been now for over 7 days!!! And for once I was start­ing to get over the whole morn­ing sick­ness and was feel­ing like I didn’t want to throw up every 5 sec­onds of the day.. very dis­ap­point­ing just as baby was play­ing nice I get a cold, well I think I got it from the dirty peo­ple on the trains cough­ing and sneez­ing. But I car­ried on and didn’t take any time of work as I am still in train­ing, poor cus­tomers must of thought I was stu­pid or I was a man by the way I was sound­ing. So slept in until mid­day today and I still don’t feel any better.

More inter­est­ing news, I have started buy­ing baby stuff.. I thought I bet­ter start as oth­er­wise my baby is going to be naked.





Mostly blue and neu­tral colours but that’s more because I really hate the colour pink and even if we are hav­ing a girl, she won’t be going in pink, ha ha!  I am also about to buy some reusable nap­pies as I have always wanted to use them and they are bet­ter for the environment.

I am try­ing to buy bits and pieces slowly as I don’t have a nurs­ery to dec­o­rate as there isn’t room in this house and we will be sell­ing up and mov­ing within the next year and half, but I am still a lit­tle dis­ap­pointed that I don’t get to dec­o­rate a nurs­ery all funky and cool!  But I think I am going to make a patch­work blan­ket and start up my scrap­book­ing again.

Okay I am off to get some lemon and honey..


13 Weeks

Filed Under: BoyToy aka Husband, Family, Friends, Pregnancy, Work    Posted On: 02-11-2012

Wow can’t believe it is already 13 weeks along — that has gone super fast! Had my first week on the phones and it has been pretty good, I have to keep writ­ing post it notes so I don’t for­get things (I am always for­get­ting cer­tain bits and it is try­ing me nuts, blame it on the baby me thinks!).

So we had our 12 week scan on Mon­day which was amaz­ing, I was at the hos­pi­tal for­ever because baby is a wrig­gly lit­tle bug­ger and wouldn’t stay still for the com­bine test­ing for cer­tain things eg. downs, the baby had to lay still so that she could see the spine and the nose (no idea why) but we had to keep going for a walk or some­thing like that to get it to move into the cor­rect posi­tion, an hour and half later baby did.  Just got the results today the test was neg­a­tive spacer so that is very good news.  It was amaz­ing to see her (I still think it’s a girl so I call baby a her a lot and by the name we have cho­sen but I am keep­ing that a secret of the inter­net ha ha!), she was mov­ing so much and waving!

So here is baby Damita at 12 weeks 1 day (accord­ing to the test­ing piece of paper).

spacer My 20 week scan is booked in for the 2nd of April, I am so look­ing for­ward to hav­ing a big bump.  I have a small one and it is notice­able that I am preg­nant but I would like a huge one, I am sure I will regret say­ing that later ha ha!

Other than that not much else is going on at this end, just work­ing and grow­ing a baby.



Nearly 12 weeks along

Filed Under: BoyToy aka Husband, Pregnancy, TTC, Work    Posted On: 02-04-2012

It’s Feb­ru­ary I have been wait­ing for this month since we found out we are hav­ing a baby! My 12 week scan in less than 2 days! And then it will no longer be a secret! Which is pretty crazy, never thought I would get to this stage, and I hope after all the freak­ing out and the wor­ry­ing that every­thing is all okay.

Work has gone well this week and I took my very first live call! I can’t really go into any details due to sign­ing my con­tract where I said I do not repeat any­thing that hap­pens on the phones due to it being med­ical insur­ances but guess what I had a com­plaint call trust me out of my group of 10 and there is me with the cus­tomer who wants to com­plain! But I held my ground which I thought would be really hard to do but it isn’t and the cus­tomer went away feel­ing hap­pier and knew what to do.  Next week is when we are offi­cially live on the phone on the main floor which is really excit­ing, I have been so bored of class­room work but nearly the floor time.  I am enjoy­ing my team a lot more always takes me a while to warm up to anyone.

So I haven’t writ­ten my find­ing out story which I was going to do last week but was so sleepy that I didn’t get a chance.


I found out the week before Christ­mas day on a Sun­day 18th, I was hav­ing my break­fast and felt very dizzy before this I was so con­sti­pated and I thought I want to take the period bring on pills, my period was late and my temps had dropped and gone back up which was so odd. The instruc­tion for the period bring on pills is to do a preg­nancy test first so I thought well I’d bet­ter go and do that then and was expect­ing it to be neg­a­tive.  My shock as I was sit­ting on the toi­let when it was pos­i­tive, I ran and told my hus­band who started cry­ing, then we ran to the store and got some more and they were all POSITIVE!!


spacer I could not believe it! POSITIVE!! ALL POSITIVE! Even the evil FRER who has never been pos­i­tive for me in my life!



I went to the hos­pi­tal at 4 weeks 5 days due to sore lower back and cramp­ing, didn’t realise that clo­mid ladies have a higher risk of ectopic (thanks for let­ting me know that), we got to see the sac in the right place and a cyst which is what was giv­ing me the pain, had my bloods taken and had my bloods taken two days later.

19DPOHCG 1375 — Prog­es­terone 96

21DPOHCG 2812

spacer Then had a scan as my bloods were great! Dou­bling like they should, we had a scan after box­ing day and saw the heart­beat, the scan, the baby and every­thing at 5 week and 5 days.

spacer Scan at 8 week and 5 days — get­ting big­ger.  We paid for this privately.

spacer Scan at 10 week and 5 days at my friend’s vets as my friend was on call so thought free scan, hurrah!

2 days until my 12 week scan, I am quite ner­vous about but I am sure it will be.


I am a pregnant working woman

Filed Under: BoyToy aka Husband, Pregnancy, TTC, Work    Posted On: 01-21-2012

Wow, I have updated in like for­ever, who knew work­ing full time would take every­thing out of you. So I started my new job role this week and I am cur­rently in train­ing, I am work­ing in a call cen­tre so lots to learn, I have worked in a call cen­tre before if any of my ear­lier read­ers remem­ber that (it was about 7 years ago now — car insur­ance). I am work­ing with my hus­band which is nice because I see him every day as we get the train and have lunch together.

It is going okay, I am just so tired, up at 6am and back at 7pm, long old day but I can­not wait for my first pay check, haha! It has been over two years since I have worked and over 6 years since I have worked full time due to being in edu­ca­tion for the last 5 years, eeek!

But I am learn­ing so that is fab! And I got to lis­ten to calls yes­ter­day and it wasn’t that scary, half my train­ing group were freaked out but I am quite relaxed about it, I think because I know what is going to hap­pen and I have done this before.

I have huge news and I have been keep­ing it a secret for the past nearly 10 weeks, and that is I AM PREGNANT!!! I am feel­ing con­fi­dent in telling my blog read­ers about it, I have had three scans so far and we had our last the other week and all is good — healthy and grow­ing lit­tle baby, we got to hear and see the heart beat!! It was amaz­ing, the last cycle of clo­mid worked for us by the looks of it, I haven’t felt so sick or tired in my life but it is all good. I have my 12 week scan in two weeks but I am too excited to keep it quiet now. (Please don’t men­tion on face­book as I haven’t told some fam­ily mem­bers or friends).

Here is baby Damita.


I will write more about how we found out hope­fully tomor­row, I am so excited!


2011 Recap

Filed Under: BoyToy aka Husband, College/Uni, Debt, Driving, Education, Family, Friends, Job Hunting    Posted On: 12-29-2011

Steal­ing this from thebabywife.com.

1. What did you do in 2011 that you’d never done before?

Grad­u­a­tion! Never thought I would see the day!

2. Did you keep your New Years’ res­o­lu­tions, and will you make more for next year?

Goals for 2011

  • Get preg­nant!! if not start post grad in teaching
  • Pass my dri­ving test
  • Com­plete sav­ing goal
  • Get 2:1 or 2:2 at degree level

Well I did one out of four, I got a 2:1 at degree level, I didn’t reach my sav­ing goal as I was unem­ployed for 6 months eeek!!! and I failed my dri­ving test twice. Preg­nancy well still work­ing on it.

This year — preg­nancy, pass my dri­ving test and do my sav­ing goal.

3. Did any­one close to you give birth?

Yes one of my best friends gave birth in Spring to a lit­tle girl.

4. Did any­one close to you die?


5. What coun­tries did you visit?


6. What would you like to have in 2012 that you lacked in 2011?

Money would be nice and enjoy my new job.

7. What date from 2011 will remain etched upon your memory?

Grad­u­a­tion, it was an amaz­ing day, I got tear­ful. Oh and find­ing out I have PCOS that will be in my mem­ory forever.

8. What was your biggest achieve­ment of the year?

Com­plet­ing Uni and find­ing a job.

9. What was your biggest failure?

Being out of work for 6 months, it was a hor­ri­ble time.

10. Did you suf­fer ill­ness or injury?

No I have been alright this year which is new for me!

11. What was the best thing you bought?

My iPhone 4, I love it to pieces!

12. Whose behav­iour mer­ited celebration?

My amaz­ing husband.

My fam­ily

My friends

13. Whose behav­iour made you appalled and depressed?

A few ex friends

14. Where did most of your money go?


15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?

Fin­ish­ing uni.

16. What song/album will always remind you of 2011?

Gotta get thru this’ Daniel Bedingfield

17. Com­pared to this time last year, are you:

1. Hap­pier or sad­der? Hap­pier.
2. Thin­ner or fat­ter? Thin­ner
3. Richer or poorer? Poorer but not for long

18. What do you wish you’d done more of?

Enjoy­ing that time off

19. What do you wish you’d done less of?

Wor­ry­ing and stressing

20. How will you be spending/did you spend Christmas?

With my fam­ily <3

21. Who did you spend the most time on the phone with?
My hus­band, mum, dad and best friend

22. Did you fall in love in 2011?

Already in love

23. How many one night stands in this last year?


24. What was your favourite TV pro­gramme?
Ice Road Truckers!!!!

25. Do you hate any­one now that you didn’t hate this time last year?

I don’t hate, I dis­like cer­tain behav­iour from people

26. What was the best book(s) you read?

Re-read Harry Pot­ter again

27. What was your great­est musi­cal dis­cov­ery?

New dance songs

28. What did you want and get?

Mostly — I wanted a 2:1 secretly and got it, and another surprise.

29. What did you want and not get?

Pass­ing my dri­ving test — booo!!!

30. What were your favourite films of this year?

Friends with Ben­e­fits

31. What did you do on your birth­day, and how old were you?

26 and I my hus­band made steak and chips, yum

32. What one thing would have made your year immea­sur­ably more satisfying?

Not hav­ing to deal with unem­ploy­ment for would be great

33. How would you describe your per­sonal fash­ion con­cept in 2011?

Relax­ing in leg­gings and long tops

34. What kept you sane?
My hus­band and my dad

35. Which celebrity/public fig­ure did you fancy the most?


36. What polit­i­cal issue stirred you the most?

Rais­ing of uni fees!

37. Who did you miss?

My best friend — wish she lived closer to me!

38. Who was the best new per­son you met?

Met some amaz­ing peo­ple on-line

39. Tell us a valu­able life les­son you learned in 2011.

Every­thing hap­pens for a rea­son and to stop stressing

Older Entries
Hello there! Welcome to my little corner of the internet. My name is Damita, I am a married 26 year old full-time call centre monkey and computer scientist who is passionate about being frugal and green. I live in England with my husband and three cats, we are pregnant with #1 due 19th August 2012, want to know more? or check out the blogging schedule?


{ @Damita }

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