What makes a person great? Is it the number of championship rings he wears on his hand? How fast you rise your career? The amount of money in one’s bank account? The size of your home? How many people you have conquered professionally or sexually? In this media-crazed, modern culture of ours, success is increasingly defined by the superficial, temporal, and the trivial. When we die, all this goes by the wayside. The popular bumper sticker of whoever has the most toys in the end "wins" is so wrong. Whoever has the most toys in the end still dies is so much more accurate.

Our world is so consumer driven, that are hearts are being consumed by the devil. Satin is winning this spiritual war in America. It is time for us to battle back. We need to plan, prepare and grow. If you looked at the things you did today , what are the things that you are doing preparing you for eternity in heaven? Are you doing things of significance? Are you serving others and God or to busy serving yourself?

Sometimes in life we need to prepare and plan. I hope this site provides you with some of the tools that helped me grow and closer to God and make a difference in the world you live in. Jesus dies for you and he has a big plan for your life, but it is up to you seek him, and grow closer! Choose to serve God and stop worshiping the God of consumption!

Your brother in Christ, John Bissman

Offers from our partners
Tuesday 01 August 2006
Welcome! This site is designed to build up the body of Christ. The monthly feature articles will focus on the nature and character of God and man's relationship to Him, practical life application of biblical principles, personal testimonies, and a weekly Bible study. We also have free desktop images for downloading
e107 on Tuesday 01 August 2006 - 08:19:29 | LAN_THEME_20
Sunday 22 October 2006
New Max Lucado Book
Max Lucado is awesome as a writer.  Easy to read. 
Giants. We must face them. Yet, we need not face them alone.

This profound look at the life of David digs deeply into the defeats he suffered, and the victories he won, as he faced the giants in his life. When David focused on God, giants tumbled. But when David focused on giants…he stumbled.

Goliaths still roam in our world. Debt. Disaster. Dialysis. Divorce. Deceit. Disease. Depression. These super-sized challenges swagger and strut into our lives, pilfering our sleep, embezzling our peace and robbing us of our joy. And while these giants try to dominate our lives, we know what to do! We've learned what David learned, and we do what David did. We become God focused. We pick up five stones. We make five decisions. And we take a swing.

[Submitted by jbissman]
John Bissman on Sunday 22 October 2006 - 23:24:20 | LAN_THEME_20

Proverb of the Day


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