spacer The Sierra Club's online communities are undergoing some big changes.

First, let's get clear on what we mean by online communities. These include the Activist Network, Climate Crossroads, and Sierra Club Trails. Keep reading if you want to know the changes that are coming up for each of them.

The Activist Network community has been buzzing -- as new teams form to work on the issues members care most about. The hydrofracking team, for example, has become a hub for activists around the country who are working to get natural-gas drilling properly regulated. If you haven't checked the Activist Network out yet, make sure to do so today. It's grassroots online activism at its best. If you'd like to keep receiving news about the Activist Network by email, you don't need to do anything at all. If you'd rather not, though, you can unsubscribe from Activist Network updates here.

Climate Crossroads, meanwhile, has gotten a complete makeover, with an emphasis on what's been the most popular part of the site: the latest news and info about climate change, clean energy, and how we can move toward a green economy. In fact, Climate Crossroads now has more of that news and info than ever before.

As part of this change, though, many of the "community" features of Climate Crossroads, such as the profiles and dashboard, won't be part of the site anymore. That does not mean your profile and dashboard are gone, though -- you can still access them by logging in at the Activist Network.

If you'd like to keep receiving news about Climate Crossroads by email, we may send occasional updates. If you'd rather not get those, you can unsubscribe from future Climate Crossroads updates here.

Lastly, we've made the tough decision that we can't continue growing the Sierra Club Trails community. For now, that means we will maintain the trails write-ups that hundreds of you have contributed, but we'll do away with the groups, discussion forum, and photo gallery. Although we'll keep the trails descriptions available for as long as possible at, we won't be able to continue updating them with the wiki. We hope that someday all of that material can go into a new and improved version of Trails, but we don't have any firm plans yet.

If you're a fan of the wonderful writers in the On Track blog on Trails -- like Jamie Simons ("A Year in Yosemite"), Sue Fierston ("Art in Nature"), and Kelly Kizer Whitt ("Astronomy") -- the good news is that they're still writing and their posts will appear in a new blog called "Explore." We're planning to add some more contributors to that blog, too, such as the Lazy Organic Gardener from Climate Crossrods.

If you'd rather not get future updates on Trails and the Trails bloggers, you can unsubscribe from them here.

So that's what's happening. The web is always growing and changing, and we are too. Thanks for being part of our journey. If you've got questions or concerns, you can always reach us at


Cara Sierra, Tioga Jenny, EnviroChuck


Sierra Club Activist Network

This sub-community is where Sierra Club activists and supporters can work together to get things done.

Organize, share, work, win!


Climate Crossroads

Climate-change solutions are the focus of this sub-community, with tips, actions, events, and recipes to help stop global warming.

A Cool Place to Connect


Sierra Club Trails

The trails sub-community features a wiki-powered collection of trails, and is dedicated to those who enjoy hiking, boating, biking, skiing, and other outdoor activities.

Share Your Favorite Places


Sierra Student Coalition (SSC)

This sub-community is SSC's virtual home, a place where youth can connect, engage and organize around the most pressing environmental and climate issues of our time.

Engage, Empower, and Organize

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