About the Owner

I’m Liz. “Sarah Lawson” is me, but this part of me is Liz. I guess Liza works, too.

An “about me” page focusing on merely me, myself and I would be inadequate, irrelevant and a waste of space. I’m always growing, I’m always changing, and I’m always doing something else from what I say I do. If I say I enjoy coloring this week, then next week I’ll most likely be finished with it because I’ll be so burnt out. If I say I love text messaging one hour, then another hour I may most likely strongly dislike it only to love it again later.

I have to admit that I love this first paragraph of my old about me, though:

I’m a twenty year old Texan who blogs, and if I told you that Texas isn’t the way it is in movies, I would be lying – or telling the truth – to an extent. I could go on and on about how not everyone has opossums in their backyards, or how not everyone is willing to get their hands dirty and rescue some kittens by navigating through spider webs, but that’s something I just don’t care to waste space on talking about again.

But am I really supposed to continue on with bragging about myself? That’s something I’ve always been quite horrible at. Or maybe I’m supposed to write about myself and my life in a mere nutshell. A page just won’t do. It isn’t because I don’t “know who I am” or because I’m conceded – it’s because I can’t choose bits and pieces of me that people like about myself because deep down inside, I don’t know what that is.

Want more?

  1. List making is one of my hobbies!
  2. If I’m not wearing contacts, I’m wearing glasses, and if I’m not wearing glasses, I’m wearing contacts.
  3. I can be a very confusing person.
  4. My sarcastic side tends to come out a lot in my blogs. Go ahead, laugh at them. That’s what they’re written for, anyway.
  5. I’m pretty random. I don’t think anything in this list so far is related in any bit – at all. However, if you break all of them down, you will find that they are.
  6. I used to be an emoticon freak.
  7. I’m actually really outgoing. I just have a hard time making friends because I’m not into materialistic items.
  8. Eight is my favorite – and luckiest – number.

Reading Wishlist

This list consists of books I’d love to read someday, but haven’t the book yet. I have come across these books whilst reading magazine advertisements, other people’s blogs, etc. The list was created 25 June 2011. If you have a suggestion, please contact me!

  1. The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy
  2. So B. It by Sarah Weeks
  3. The Demon Trapper’s Daughter by Jana Oliver
Liz created this page on
September 30th, 2010. Last
modified on February 26, 2012.
gipoco.com is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.