Welcome to patron,

A web-clique created for people interested in myths, folklore, and deities. This clique is to bring them together, and for a bit of fun, too. Currently, there are 88 people listed as members of Patron.

Have you noticed that many websites resemble their owners in a very archetypical-way? The style, the graphics, the layouts and the content all reflect the owner's personality, interests and mood. Recognize that archetype, or what you think it should be in yourself and website, and list it here!

What is "patron"?

The name of this site comes from the ideas of patron saints or patron gods. The former is defined by dictionary.com as "a saint regarded as the special guardian of a person, group, trade, country, etc." The latter is pretty much the same thing, only the patron is an immortal deity instead of a saint.

If all this sounds interesting to you, please don't hesitate to join us straightaway and add your name to the list of protected site owners.


Site was last updated on May 21, 2011. List was last updated on January 22nd, 2012. Please note that I recently adopted this clique from Lorelei so please change your links to patron.snow-heart.net if you're already a member.

gipoco.com is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.