Bastard Events



This was the initial start to it all,way back when…The Bastards had grown restless,sure there was a few good fetish parties happening around the town and good fun was being had, but no where was there a Rubber Only party,which was kept a strict dress code where,you HAD to have a large percentage of your body covered in Rubber/Latex. Not just turn up with one rubber glove and say “I’m in rubber”…nu uh, no way…
So Helmut Von Shlippery Bastard, and his wife Her Majesty Von Bastard began putting their plans together to get this train rolling (really poor Helmut did all the work,the wife just sat around all day as she usually does, but I’m not going to write that here….oh,wait….) and the first Rubber Bastard party was born… Soon the momentum was rolling,and people came from far and wide, some even on the other side of the street..!! Helmut even had to have a doorbell installed…!!! and what a party it turned out to be, just a small gathering of friends in all their shininess glimmering under the well let lit studio`s kitchen lights…(why does everyone gather in the kitchen at a party? wasn’t even a decent size kitchen, didn’t even have a stove…!!!) And, as the dust settled and the sun came up we decided that this was a good idea and as a result the Bastard parties were born..!spacer


Now with built in shiny Bastard…

So after the success of the first party the Bastards Re-Grouped and set out to plan the next one,to be just as shiny and just as much fun as the first. This time they had a secret weapon flown in from interstate, the one they call….”Shiny Bastard..!!” (cue dramatic music here…) the rubbery man who has just one goal in life, to make every one shiny…so we set him up in a corner and got him on his working way…and shine he did…people lined up for miles (well,at least to the kitchen…yeah that’s right, they were in the bloody kitchen again…!!) to get the shiny one to shine…!! We also had a “Frank-o-matic” on the door and DJ Karl Anderson spinning the ipod…Things for the Bastards were looking good…!!!spacer



Rubber Bastard Uberised….

With the third installment of the Bastard Party came also the need for a bigger place, Helmut’s lair had become to small, and the Bastards were again growing in size and were threatening a riot if things were not improved. Then, along came, those kink loving crazee`s who know how to party had a bright and shiny new place and the Bastards would fit right in. MaxxBlack came on board with some fantastic prizes so we were able to offer best dressed and a few other prizes and with the shiny Bastard back en route from Melb,the “Frank-o-matic” booked in for the door we then enlisted Eddie from Sydney’s Kinkiest Bakery to provide more food than you could poke a stick at, which was lucky as no one could find a stick…Now with the lights lowered, the music pumping we opened the doors to Rubber Bastard 3 and what a night it was…so much colour and glamour we had people coming in from all over the place, far and wide with everyone saying how awesome the new Uber play space was, creating a fantastic atmosphere for everyone.


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  • Bella Rubber
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  • DesireDoll
  • Fetish Finery
  • Fetish Webmistress
  • FetishKitsh
  • Fetlife
  • Matt Bylett Designs
  • Maxxx Black
  • Mistress Imperia
  • MIstress Tokyo
  • Rubber 55
  • Safari Lee Jewellery and Metalware
  • Soul Focus Studio
  • uberservices is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.