
Welcome to Verse of Love, a fanlisting collective owned by one certain Ren. The collective has once again moved to a new location, after yet another re-installation of Enthusiast. And oh, what on earth is fanlisting, you say? To me, it's a way to express my adoration to certain subjects combined with the so-called practice of designing plus the joy of procrastination. But I'd highly advise that you go ask someone else about it. For now, feel free to take a look around! I hope that you'll enjoy your stay. ♥


Currently, I own 22 fanlistings, with 1 fanlisting in the making. I have recently built the fanlisting to Cuddling, please join if you're a fan ♥ There are 3472 fans listed, and 6 in queue. Meanwhile, I have joined 101 fanlistings—the last fanlisting I joined was dedicated to Cuddling. is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.