Shirasade's hosting collective. v.6 "Monet's waterlillies". Based on a css Zen Garden design by R. Marie Cox.


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Free hosting

Information. Read thoroughly before applying!

FAQs. Frequently Asked Questions and more.

Hostees only. Add/edit your site in the directory.

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Hosting info

I think I can start to offer free hosting again - but it will be much more restricted than before. As a rule I only host friends now, but if you manage to convince me that you have a really cool site, I'll happily host you. Make sure to read this page carefully, though!

If you want to be a part of the Shirasade.Net collective, feel free to apply for hosting - just be patient waiting for a reply and understand if I say no. Many more free hosting domains can be found on Pick-me.Net, Host Finder, Get What You Give and Hostee.Net.

This is what I have to offer:
As long as your site won't be huge or use a lot of bandwidth (in that case I suggest you buy your own domain - it's not that expensive and I can heartily recommend DreamHost), I can offer you two options:

You decide where you'd fit in, but naturally is meant for Lotrips sites.

In all cases you get

In return I don't have many requirements. I ask that your site content is not hateful in any way and that you take a little trouble creating it. I don't care if you write your own html or use an editor, but show a certain care and maturity.

It's also a plus if you know FTP (or know how to figure out how to use a client like Leech). You also should link to me on your index page (buttons are available on the different domains) and add yourself to my hostee directory here once you are done. If I can't get in touch with you via the hostee directory, you're still bound to any changes I might make, even if it means that I delete your site.

Remember that any illegal activity on your part won't be tolerated. Violation of the law can end in the suspension of a complete domain, so disregard will force me to delete your hosting account. If you have questions, please check the FAQ.

If you still want to be hosted here, send me an email with some information about your planned site.




Warning and Disclaimer: Some of these sites contain adult content, mostly in the form of fanfiction and other fanworks. I ask that you head any warnings given and expect a certain maturity. All movies, books, TV shows and other aspects of popular culture depicted anywhere on these sites belong to their creators and copyright holders. The actors and musicians are their own persons and completely unknown to us. We are just fans expressing our love.

« # I heart my hostees ? » is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.