From the Publisher

I like titles.

Not the gentry type, though those are ok too.

No I mean book/story/movie titles. Where there are folks that will judge a book by its cover, I’m more inclined to judge by its title. You can tell this is true with a quick look at what I’ve published in the past – books with …odd, perhaps, but distinctive titles: Stays Crunchy in Milk, Installing Linux on Dead Badger, Amityville House of Pancakes – I mean, come on.

So when Johnny was in the process of getting himself all set up as a real honest-to-god author of a novel (never mind that he’d already put more words to paper than Moses) and was tossing around website domain ideas and names, along with a healthy dose of badgering from me about how important a web presence was, the phrase “Blood and Tacos” came up.

It was love at first hear for me.

I tried, believe me, begged, cajoled and browbeat, to get him to call his author website Blood & Tacos, as differentiated from the domain itself – URL it what you will, says I, Blood & Tacos is a fantastic TITLE. And the domain is open, you know, in case you wanted it!

No go – in some ways my old chum is kind of traditional, and stuck with “” but I kept up the badgering to not let the name Blood & Tacos die.

And so here we are. As the one-time owner of the website you can imagine I’m pretty thrilled with what Blood & Tacos has become – perhaps even more than if it were an author site. Even more thrilled that I’ve done precious little of the work, but still get to hang my name on it. At any rate, thanks for coming along for this first ride, and look forward to seeing you a couple more times this year.

Pete S Allen
Creative Guy

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