Great event! Thanks so much for your par­tic­i­pa­tion. We hope to have another event in January.

Dis­claimer: Cen­Pho­Camp is not affil­i­ated with Cronkite School or Ari­zona State Uni­ver­sity. We are grate­ful to have the use of their world-class facil­i­ties for our event.

555 N Cen­tral Ave
Phoenix, 85004
Cronkite School, 2nd Floor
Rooms 202, 252, 256

Octo­ber 9

Cen­Pho­Camp is back to once again help greater down­town Phoenix busi­ness own­ers, their cus­tomers and res­i­dents suc­ceed in the new econ­omy. The after­noon con­fer­ence will fea­ture 12 35-minute ses­sions designed to teach small busi­ness own­ers and the like how to bet­ter use the resources they may not know they have access to.

The volunteer-run work­shop is com­prised of local prac­ti­tion­ers will­ing to show oth­ers exactly how to do what is they do. Kirk Yuhnke of ABC15 will be pre­sent­ing on how to make your busi­ness story worth, Bill Wyman on how you get your news is chang­ing and pundit-turned-marketer Kevin Spi­del will show how brand­ing is the new cus­tomer loy­alty pro­gram. These three, along with nine other hand-picked pre­sen­ters, high­light the after­noon work­shop to be held at the Cronkite build­ing on the ASU down­town Phoenix campus.

Food is being pro­vided by the atten­dees them­selves, as con­fer­ence orga­niz­ers hope to cre­ate a com­mu­nity learn­ing, rather than a one to many lec­ture, envi­ron­ment where every­one gets back exactly what they put in. Fol­low­ing the con­fer­ence will be an after-party at The Dis­trict in the down­town Sher­a­ton with hosted appe­tiz­ers and drink spe­cials from 5–7:30pm.

Con­tact Tyler Hurst
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