
About  “A Colourful Journey” and the Sammunat Nepal project

Sammunat Nepal grew from the desire of a group of Nepalese friends to help the many women they met whose lives have been damaged by violence. These people live in the troubled Jhapa district of Eastern Nepal. The friends were aware of the many women who are the victims of domestic violence, physical and psychological abuse or who had been trafficked into India for work in the tragically burgeoning sex industry there.

Most of these women are extremely vulnerable to further violence and exploitation. Simply providing financial assistance is only a short term and ultimately short-sighted solution. Instead, Sammunat Nepal seeks to work with the women to provide:

  • Legal assistance for no charge or at affordable fees;
  • Training in advocacy and about human rights;
  • Specific income-generating skill training (as shown on “A Colorful Journey” web site);
  • Counselling for the women as required; and
  • Support as the women re-establish themselves and their families in new communities. Particularly important as they are sometimes unwelcome in their home towns.

The organisation continues to grow in scope and energy. We continue to work on the development of gorgeous, ecologically sensitive and sustainable products for both local and overseas markets. There is now hope, colour and laughter where there was once sadness!

Explore our wonderful website (thanks Cynthia) to find out more.

Ramrosanga jannuhos (Go Well)
The Sammunath family

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