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Five Reasons to choose Grievance Manager:
Limitless customization.
Detail is critical in grievance and arbitration work. Required forms, procedures and paths to resolution can vary widely even between bargaining units, and any fork in the path of a case has to be documented and tracked, one way or another.

If your grievance software is too generic, leaving reps to rely on notes or calendars, then you're not getting the maximum benefit software can provide. Why not gain more time savings, and close the cracks that deadines and other requirements can slip though?

Each Grievance Manager is specially designed for the customer. All screens and the entire code base is customized for each implementation. We're not limited to pre-conceived configuration options.

We begin by reviewing your documents and contract, then move on to a few short phone consultations with your Grievance Director or staff. Soon you'll see the plan for your ideal grievance software take shape in a formal proposal document.

This proven method gives you the most efficient software fit possible, and lets you economize on staff time, reduce information errors, and greatly improve the efficiency of the grievance process.
Access and Security.
Grievance Manager helps you leverage the Internet for complete mobility and flexibility for your Reps. As a pure internet application, our grievance software can be used from any internet-connected device, and works great on Ipads and Android tablets—even smart phones.

Access to your grievances is protected by SSL encryption, and is restricted to users with valid logins and role permissions. Permissions are defined by the administrator(s), usually relative to the bargaining unit, division or rep. Restrictions based on IP address or geolocation are also available. Passwords are encrypted with a one-way hash algorithm, which means that they can not be read by anyone, but can be reset by an application administrator.

All grievance edits are stamped with the user and time, and both the original and most recent edits are displayed with the grievance. A history of changes may also be kept and available to administrators as a report. Reports of logins, and unsuccessful login attempts by IP and geolocation, are also available.
Search and Reporting.
Open Issues, pending grievances at a glance: The Grievance Manager Open Issues screen is central. This is a table showing active, unresolved grievances in rows, having 6 to 8 sortable columns for quick status at a glance. It also features a combined intuitive search field, like a search engine, for grievant names, member IDs, case numbers, or whatever is key to your staff for quickly finding cases. Secondary drop-downs may be included to filter by division or other criteria. Open Issues is often restricted or default-filtered according to user permissions, so that a Staff Rep may only see grievances in his/her division, or a Steward may only see those for which he/she is the steward of record.

Advanced Search, super-flexible report generator: The main power of this feature is combined criteria selection. This allows users to enter multiple criteria (usually up to 10-20 partial field matches), including date ranges for each important date. Users select what fields to display and run a printable report, with on-screen links to view any grievance in full detail.
Email or TXT notifications.
Approaching Deadlines for pending actions: Most grievance procedures have contractual timelines for every step and contingency of the process, and these become practical deadlines for both union appeals and management responses. For reps handling large caseloads, it can be a challenge to keep track, made even more difficult when cases pass from one rep to another.

Grievance Manager is built to anticipate deadlines per contract and send warnings by email or SMS TXT message. Each day the software checks all open grievances for pending actions and sends notifications when these are imminent--typically one or two days out.

Immediate Notifications to concerned parties: Grievance Managers usually include automatic email notifications for new appeal dates or recorded resolutions. These can go to administrators, shop floor stewards, or the grievant him/herself if desired.
Document Storage: Secure and Convenient.
If your Reps carry a laptop, mobile tablet, or even a smart-phone, they'll have all their case documents in their pocket. Grievance Manager includes secure document storage that allows for upload or retrieval from any internet connected computer. Descriptions and key words are typically included with the upload, so that documents can be indexed and searchable. PDF format is recommended, and now smart phones can display these. MS Word docs work very well too.

Any type of file may be included, including audio and video files, though these larger files may require additional server support.

Plus ten more...
  • spacer 1. Multiple Applications
    Separate or with unified access and merge reporting.
  • spacer 2. Advanced Data Entry Validation
    Enforce requirements, even complex contingencies.
  • spacer 3. Integrated Reference
    Quick and searchable lookup features for your members, reps, job classifications and more.
  • spacer 4. Advanced Custom Report Filtering
    Combining criteria for inclusive or exclusive reports.
  • spacer 5. Custom Aggregate Reports
    Summaries by any criteria, per division, staff rep, work location, job classification, or other.
  • spacer 6. Documents
    Secure transfer and storage, easy access.
  • spacer 7. Your Paper
    Your documents replicated, data-filled, and ready to print.
  • spacer 8. All Device Types
    Special screens for iphone or android phones. All apps work on ipad or android tablets.
  • spacer 9. Secure email relay without PGP
    Select another app user and send a secure link.
  • spacer 10. Event-based and Elapsed-period Notifications
    Grievance Manager lets you know when something
    happens, or is nearly due to happen. is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.