

After writing this post, I tried a couple of the winged liner looks on {ps thanks for all the liner suggestions!} and.....meh. I can paint my lips the most shocking shade of orange or the brightest hue of pink I can find, and I feel totally confident. Swoop a  swipe of winged eyeliner on me, and I suddenly feel super self-conscious.

I wear glasses most of the time, so it's not really a tried-and-true look I fall back on in a pinch. However, I just LOVE the retro-inspired winged look when I see it in editorials, on the runway, and on the stylish gals on the street. It's a major bummer whenever I attempt it because it just looks a little 'off'. One reason just might be because I have deep-set eyes so it kind of covers the lined part when I look straight on. Seriously...I took about a zillion photos to get one where you can actually see the wing. Le sigh. The other reason? I'm not going to lie....I sometimes looks a little more chola than chic on me if I go a little too cray cray with the wing. Yep. It's a sad, sad truth.

But enough self-deprecation. The question still remains: do you ever wear a winged cat-eye look during the day? If so, where do you draw the line (literally and figuratively) for daytime wear?

Oh, and promise me you'll never do this....ok?



Sample sale sites. They are multiplying faster than bunnies, and that is something I can't really complain about because, hey- I like a good deal just like the next gal. Having just discovered Uncovet, I've gone and added another one to my list. It's an invite-only design-centric shop that  is carefully curated to unearth rad, one-of-a-kind products for its members at a discounted rate. Think fashion, accessories, home decor, knick knacks, and vintage goods for a very enticing price. What are you waiting for? Hop to it and get on the list!

PS Here are sign-up links to all of the sample sale sites I am currently subscribed to. If any strike your fancy, feel free to sign up using my invite code!

Beyond The Rack
Billion Dollar Babes
Gilt Groupe
Joss & Main
One Kings Lane
Rue La La
Sole Society
The Foundary


What an epic weekend. Little did we know that when we planned to go to the Kite Festival this weekend, so did all of Austin. After what felt like swimming upstream in a sea of cars, we somehow managed to nab a parking spot and walked over to Zilker.  What unfolded once we got there was pure delight and amazement - the sky was FILLED with kites. I know some of you may be thinking, duh...it was a kite festival, but wow. I had no idea it was such a popular thing! There were - no kidding- probably around 800 kites in the air (or at least attempting to be in the air).
 I obviously had on the most obnoxious and enormous pair of sunglasses possible. It actually worked out pretty handy to have sunnies the size of a windshield covering my peepers because some kites did take a nosedive straight into my lap. Wouldn't want to accidentally poke an eyeball out. Thank God I live in a city where the motto is "Keep Austin Weird" otherwise I would be in trouble.
spacer We spotted sharks, geometric shapes, octopus, dragons, pirate ships, and even a Gumby kite.
These are my people, and I love them triple max tons to the rad squared. They are the number 1 thing I love most about Austin: being close to family.
It was so much fun helping my nieces and nephews launch their kites into the air.... spacer
Go pink, green and purple!
And they did a bang up job keeping them there. The kiddos managed to get their kites flying as high as the wind current - and their strings - would allow. Little kite flying pros, I tell ya.
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