About Bridget


Always curious and awed by the extremes of human behavior, Cook has been studying and writing stories of transformation since she was young. She has worked extensively with youth, including troubled youth in Colorado for several years as a mentor, ‘big-sister’ and publicist, as well as a leader in youth groups and the administrator of youth programs in Utah. Throughout this time she has authored fiction and non-fiction stories of inspiration and transformation – what it takes for a soul to untwist from the sometimes darkened recesses and to reach for the light within.

Cook is a graduate of Utah State University, and earned her National Administrator Credential for youth programs from Salt Lake Community College. She runs The Perfect Word, a public relations and writing firm in Utah, is the delighted mother of three creative children, and a voracious reader. Her greatest passion remains in discovering and writing stories about the dynamic possibilities of the human soul.  Currently she is working on TJ’s spiritual conversion story, as well as a book with Melissa Moore, entitled Shattered Silence: the untold story of the daughter of a serial killer.  This is another true story of transformation.

Why This Book?

Co-Author of Skinhead Confessions with TJ Leyden, Cook actually dreamed TJ’s entire story and was preparing to write a fictional novel about it (directed specifically at teens), until she discovered TJ while conducting research! Fascinated by his real-life story, Cook was thrilled to have the opportunity to get TJ’s incredible message out to teens and adults around the world.

Together they chronicled the story of his journey into the pit of hatred and destruction as a young boy, to his growing power and authority in one of the nation’s largest and most dangerous Skinhead gangs, to his transformative revolt against his former associates into a life of contribution and promise.

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