Workshop Schedule

Below you can find the schedule from the recent OSDW event in San Deigo. Slides and other materials from the buipresentations are linked from the schedule entries.

The files are in a variety of formats including KOffice KPresenter (.kpt), Star Office Impress (.sxi), PDF (.pdf) and GZip compressed tar archives of course code (.tar.gz). Video is coming soon.

Day 1: October 13

Start Time Track A Track B
09:00 Introduction & Orientation
A kick-off talk for the event, including a report on the August aKademy conference in Spain
Tom Welch
09:30 Setting Up A KDE Development Environment
From subversion to installing a parallel development environment and otherwise prepping an environment for development.
Aaron Seigo
10:30 Refreshments
10:45 Build Systems:'s and QMake
Demystifying open source build systems for desktop applications.
Matt Rogers
Components: DCOP and KParts
Learn how to extend and provide for application automation using KDE's DCOP and KParts component architectures.
George Staikos
Slides, Source Code
Lunch Break
13:00 Foundations: Qt, libkdecore and libkdeui
The essential library fundamentals every developer should know when writing a KDE application.
Aaron Seigo
Foundations: Qt, libkdecore and libkdeui
The essential library fundamentals every developer should know when writing a KDE application.
Matt Rogers
15:00 Test Driven Development in C++ using FOSS tools
Starting with a gentle "What is Test Driven Development" introduction. The tools focused on will be KUnitTest, and eXperior. CPPUnit and CXXUnit will also be discussed.
Jason Nocks
Building Applications: XMLGUI and KConfigXT
Covers two XML driven technologies that make constructing applications quicker and easier. XMLGUI takes an actions-based approach to defining menus and toolbars, while KConfigXT makes managing and configuring settings easier and more maintainable.
Aaron Seigo
17:00 Session wrap up

Day 2: October 14

Start Time Track A Track B
09:00 Components: DCOP and KParts
Learn how to extend and provide for application automation using KDE's DCOP and KParts component architectures.
Ian Geiser
Source Code
Porting Windows Applications To Linux
The in's and out's of moving applications to Linux
Scott Collins
Source Code
10:30 Refreshments
10:45 Application Automation with KJSEmbed
Learn how to expose application internals to enable your users to write scripts that can extend and control your application using ECMA Script.
Ian Geiser
Slides, Source Code
Creating Attractive and Usable Interfaces
User interface guidelines and getting the most out of Qt Designer
Aaron Seigo
Lunch Break
13:00 KIO: Network Transparent Data Access
Whether it's a local file or a file out on the network accessible via ftp, http, webdav and more, your application can read and write to it easily using the KDE I/O infrastructure.
George Staikos
The KDevelop IDE
A hands-on tour of the award winning KDevelop integrated development environment.
Ian Geiser and Adam Treat
14:30 Extending Applications With Plugins
Functionality which is loaded on demand at runtime from external libraries is a common pattern in modern applications. Creating plugins can be simple and this session details how.
Aaron Seigo
Agile Software Development and the Open Source Bazaar
On commercial software development projects, it is often considered difficult to do distributed, light-weight projects. Open Source Bazaar projects have evolved solutions and practices that address some of these issues. This is intended to be a discussion of some problems faced and some of the possible solutions.
Jason Nocks
15:30 Refreshments
15:45 Database Development Techniques
Examines the usage of Qt's SQL classes and data aware widgets for database driven desktop applications.
Adam Treat
Slides, Source Code
Network Programming Techniques
Today the network is an integral part of day-to-day desktop computing. This presentation by one of KDE's network programmers details how to write graphical applications that speak to the network most effectively.
Matt Rogers
17:00 Session Concludes
18:30 Wrap up party is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.