
We’re Listening … Introducing Archive Projects and Smarter Filters

We’ve been busy gathering feedback and working on new features that are the most important to you.
Here are a couple of new features that many of you have asked for, and there are plenty more coming soon!

Archive Projects

You get unlimited projects, for free, with Do.  But as you use the app, you need a way to hide old projects, and their tasks, without losing any valuable data.  We’ve made it simple by allowing you to archive a project.
Just click on any project name and you’ll see an Archive Project button on the right.

This will hide the project, and its tasks, from your lists.  
We’ve added a filter called “Archived Projects” in the project list that allows you to view these projects and unarchive them if you like.

Smarter Filters

We learned that you have commonly used views for each task list, and you want Do to intelligently remember that.
There’s a new filter called “Tasks shared with me” that shows just that - tasks your network wants you to know about but aren’t assigned to you.
Your Do task list will also use your last filter selection, so you won’t have to keep resetting it.  If you prefer to see your task list sorted by due date, just select it once and Do will remember it.
These are some of the smaller features we’ve built.  There will be significant enhancements, based on your feedback and our experience with Manymoon, in the coming weeks.  Stay tuned and comments are always welcome!