Using Picnik Before the Extermination and A Few Alternatives

 Saving Money  No Responses »
Jan 262012



I love, it’s a free photo editing site that is for the short term memory people like me that have a hard time remembering steps in Photoshop and of course I’m really too cheap to pay for software. I  typically use Picnik to do a photo edit or to make a badge for the blog and I find it easy to use for making a clever photo collage.

But as they say, all good things must come to an end…..

Picnik recently announced the closing of the site with this….Take heed! The ants have invaded. Picnik will be closing April 19, 2012

Dang! That sucks but I do try to find the linking in every dark cloud. Good news for now is that they are offering all of their premium services from now until the end of the site for FREE! Yep! So my recommendation is if you have blog buttons or badges you want to make, do it now! It’s actually pretty darn easy and I have found some tutorials for you!

Want to make a header or button for your blog? I found this easy tutorial here:

Want to make a “grab my button” badge for your blog and put it on your sidebar? Kimberly shares an easy tutorial here:

Want to make a photo collage? It’s easy, here is a tutorial video:

Take advantage of this while you can!

SO what happens after April 19th? Picnik was purchased by Google and now Google+ will offer a “Creative Kit”, not sure what that means but hopefully they will offer a comparison to the site with the Google + integration.  You can read all about the Picnik shut down here:

There are many alternatives to Picnik but only handful of them compare. Here are some alternatives I have personally researched and compared to Picnik:

  • Pixlr: I recommend the express version found here:, loads fast, uploads quickly and is easy to use with some cool effects. I did not need to register but they do offer a “premium” service for $4.95 a month or if you sign up for the yearly service it’s only around $2 a month.
  • BeFunky: If you are looking for the fun artistic effects including graphic shapes, effects, frames etc that Picnik offered, try out it seems to be user friendly and you do not need to register for an account.
  • Photoshop Express: I had no idea that Photoshop offers a free online version anyone can use with 2 GB of storage. You can sign up for an account here: It’s not too comparable as far as the easy to use artistics that Picnik offered but they do offer a nice photo editing system.

These are just a few I’ve tried. I’m sharing some articles that others have written where they have also tried out some sites and they share their opinions:


So keep on Picniking until you can’t Picnik anymore with all of the free premium services and hopefully you can find a site that works for you to use in the future!

Posted by Clever Pink Pirate at 10:43 am  Tagged with: Article, Photo

My Favorite Frugal Cleaners (and a moving update)

 Saving Money, Uncategorized  No Responses »
Nov 072011


(Sure not the most glamorous pic of me but it’s me about to tackle cleaning in the empty house)

One of my last posts talked about our moving adventures. Well, I am happy to say we are all moved out of the old house. Of course that doesn’t mean we are all moved in and in fact the house seems to be a chaos of never ending boxes but it’s coming a long! I wanted to do a few moving posts since that is been the realm of my existence for the last few weeks.

One thing I don’t think I thought about while planning this move would be about how much an empty house would need cleaning once we got all of our items out of it. Well, it needed quite a bit. It was those 10 years of dust bunnies that were hiding in the oddest places, the crayon marks on the wall where we put the couch to ensure no one would see those crayon marks and the mystery items where I wondered what on earth the kids had spilled in that spot. I rarely buy commercial cleaners, I usually make them myself and wanted to share a few of those with you here along with the ones I do buy.

  • Citric Acid
    You can find this in the spice section of your store, just take the citric acid and add a few teaspoons to a spray bottle of warm water. If you have some shower scum built up what I do is take a cut lemon, pour a little bit of this on top of the cut lemon to make a coarse cleaning surface and then scrub the shower/tub/tiles with the lemon and citric acid. It’s super citric scrubbing power! 
  • Dishsoap in Spray Bottle
    spacer spacer I read this somewhere in a magazine and it really works. Just take about a teaspoon of dish soap and fill a spray bottle with that and warm water and it cleans anything, even windows and mirrors!
  • Dishwasher Detergent Powder
    I actually learned this from watching that show How Clean is Your House on the BBC. Take a tablespoon of powder dishwasher detergent (generic is fine) and add it to a large bowl of warm water. Use this to clean screens, fingerprints off of walls and other tough spots to clean.
  • Vinegar
    It’s nature’s wonder cleaner, I mean you could really use it for anything! Built up soap scum, tarnish, mirrors etc. Keep a spray bottle of this around, it will conquer a lot! I found a great list of what it could do made by the New Home Maker here
  •  Green Works Natural and Dilutable Cleaner in a spray bottle

So about a year ago, Smart and Final had clearanced my favorite dilutable cleaner out and I thought they were just discontinuing it at their store so I bought like 10 bottles because they were under a buck. Well I went to go find it again and went to the website and am having trouble finding it. Hopefully I can find it again because I really love this. I use it on my floors and pour capful into a spray bottle with warm water. It is the perfect cleaner because it doesn’t have fumes (like that nasty ammonia smell) or harsh chemicals. A bottle of this will last a long time!

  • Mr Clean Magic Eraser (AKA the miracle worker)spacer

You will never go wrong with these. If you have used them, then you know how much they help when kids are around. From finger prints to crayons, this thing cleans like no body’s business! I love these when there are tricky spots that normal cleaners and sponges can’t get! It also saves your muscles because something that would normally be a tough job is easy peasy with these! I’ll be honest, I have bought the generic versions to save a couple bucks and those work just as well! I think my favorite is the Target Up and Up brand!


  • Steam Cleaner
    spacer spacer
    I love having a steam cleaner where I can steam tough sticky spots like when I am cleaning the fridge or grout. I used to have a Shark hand held cleaner and loved it but it stopped working. So I went a more frugal route and bought the Dirt Devil on  and do love it so far! My only complaint is that if you have a large job, it does take a break to re-heat up of about 30 seconds steam, 30 seconds heat up. It does come with a nozzle for hard to reach jobs.

    What do you use to clean your house?

Posted by Clever Pink Pirate at 9:44 am  Tagged with: Article, Making Home

Smartphones Save Money ~ My Favorite Money Saving Apps

 Saving Money, Uncategorized  No Responses »
Oct 092011





My smartphone is one of my best friends, always there when I need it and has so much to offer. One of the reasons I love my phone is because of the apps I can download in the marketplace. I have found many apps that help me save money on the go. The apps below are all free and downloadable in the iPhone or Android market.

Gas Buddy:
This app finds my location and locates the cheapest gas per gallon. Want to find a cheaper gas in another location? Just enter the zip code on the first page of the app, this is most helpful for us when we drive to California.
This app allows me not only to shop on, but I can scan a barcode from wherever I am at. This is great when I am out shopping for a higher priced such as a Wii game or printer and I want to see if there is a better price available through Amazon.
Kids Eat Free (iPhone) Kids Eat For (Android)
After work, PTA meetings and running errands, sometimes the last thing I want to do is cook. Relieving the pressure of having to make dinner by eating out, especially when the kids get to eat for free makes this mom happy! This app pulls your location and tells you what restaurants are featuring kids eat for free or for a discount.
AAA Discounts:
If you are a member of AAA, I highly recommend this app. This app finds my location and tells me discounts available right near me from coffee to fixing my computer. Saving is easy, just show the business your AAA card!
This app allows me to save money at my favorite stores without having to pick up an ad. It contains a large database of coupons and pulls your location to tell you what the best deals are around you. From dining out to getting the tires changed on my car, this app is a great money saver.
I like to use this app when I’m out and about and want to find somewhere that is offering an incentive if I “check in” to the business. After the app pulls my location, it lets me know how many specials are near by. Recently I used this app to get 10% off my entire purchase at Payless.
My keys seemed to weigh more than my youngest child with all of the loyalty cards I had carried around until I downloaded CardStar. CardStar allows you to input all of your cards into one app, then creating a barcode for each one that a cashier can scan. This is a lot safer than giving out your phone number to the cashier, trust me on this one because one time, I had a stranger call my phone after seeing me at the store and writing down my phone number when I verbally gave it to a cashier.
Grocery IQ:
This is a great tool to use before I even go to the store. You can create a list by either typing in the name of the items or by scanning the barcode. This is great if I am running out of something and I need to get more, I just scan and then use my list at the store. This app also allows you to sort through digital coupons, then email them to yourself so you can print them. If you have a Safeway card, you can load coupons onto your card from this app. It also allows you to sort your list by aisles or send your list to someone else.
While I clip coupons at home, it’s nice to be able to have the luxury of not having to print or clip coupons for the grocery store. Cellfire allows me to click the coupons I want and then load them onto my Fry’s VIP card. This is also great if I didn’t have time to clip coupons because I can find items on sale in the store and check this app to see if I can download a coupon for additional savings.

Garage Sale Rover:
Our Saturday morning ritual consists of goi
ng out for donuts or bagels and then hitting a few garage sales. Because I like my Saturdays to be computer free after being attached to one all week for work, the Garage Sale Rover app is great for me. It finds my location and then intergrates yardsales posted on websites such as craigslist into a map.

What are your favorite money saving apps?
Posted by Clever Pink Pirate at 8:48 am  Tagged with: Article, Uncategorized

Happy Birthday~ My favorite Birthday Freebies!

 Saving Money  1 Response »
Sep 222011
Today’s my birthday, true story. So I thought I would share a few of my favorite Birthday freebies because everyone young and old loves to receive a gift on their birthday. It’s actually my ideal birthday full of freebies:
Dunkin Donuts:
In my opinion, there is no better way to start the day then with a lovely
caffeinated beverage to wake me up. Thanks to Dunkin Donuts, I can enjoy a
medium beverage of my choice on my birthday for free. What a great way to
start a birthday. You can sign up for your free birthday beverage along with
receiving a free beverage at sign up when you enroll in Dunkin Donuts Perks
After enjoying my morning beverage, I head over to IHop for breakfast. Of
course, it’s free thanks to the Pancake Revolution! You can sign up at, don’t forget to register the whole family! Kids receive
a free Rooty Tooty on their birthday.Aveda:
It’s my birthday and I’ll look and smell good if I want to! Visiting the
Aveda store with my birthday coupon in hand, I can choose either a free
Personal Blend Pure-Fum or body care product offer (worth up to $24). You
can sign up for the Aveda birthday club and receive a postcard to redeem for
a freebie at your store by signing up at

Another glamorous birthday freebie for mom comes when I hit the Sephora
store in the mall. Philosophy’s shower gel, bubble bath and shampoo in
Vanilla Cupcake? You too can smell delicious on your birthday by signing up

Orange Julius:
While doing my birthday freebie shopping at the mall, I’m sure to develop a
thirst. Orange Julius calls my name with a coupon for a free beverage! Sign
up at to receive your coupon emailed to you on
your birthday.

Before leaving the mall and while enjoying my free Orange Julius, I head
over to the Pretzelmaker to get my free birthday pretzel treat! Free
cinnamon and sugar goodness never tasted so good.  You can sign up here:

Red Robin:
After enjoying a morning all to myself, I set my hunger clock to burger mode
and visit Red Robin with my free birthday burger coupon. Sign up for your
free birthday burger when you visit

Sun Drops Nail Spot:
After shopping and enjoying a delicious lunch, it’s all about me with a free
manicure from Sun Drops Nail Spot in Phoenix. You too can look fabulous on
your birthday by signing up here:

Breakfast for dinner, or as I like to call it brinner. A birthday brinner!
No coupon needed for this treat, just bring your ID. to receive a free grand
slam from Denny’s on your birthday!

If I’m not in the mood for breakfast for dinner, I could always head to
Benihana with my $30 birthday gift certificate! Of course using this is
almost like enjoying a show as well on my birthday with the chef at the
Teppanyaki table making my birthday dinner. Sign up for your $30 birthday
coupon here:

Coldstone Creamery
What is a birthday without ice cream? I finish my birthday with my favorite
Creation from Coldstone for free! My favorite being cake batter and
strawberries of course. By the way, calories don’t count on your birthday.
When you sign up for Cold Stone’s club you will get a coupon for your
birthday and a coupon for buy one get one free upon enrollment at

Just for Kids:
Chuck E. Cheese
Let the kiddies burn some of that sugar off from the ice cream and take them
to Chuck E. Cheese. When they are signed up for the birthday club they get
20 tokens free, no purchase necessary! You can enroll your child at

Let the kids get wacky on their birthday with a free Wacky Pack meal from
Sonic! Sign up to receive this free meal at

Toys R Us:
Celebrate your child’s birthday with Geoffrey the Giraffe from Toys R Us!
You will receive a free party planner and your child will receive a birthday
card, gift and a phone call from Geoffrey wishing your child a happy
birthday! You can also bring your child in for a free balloon, crown and
birthday announcement in store.  Sign up at

My kids love getting gifts but I think getting money to spend in a store
with a gift certificate excites them even more. Kmart offers free $5
birthday bucks, free birthday crown and birthday certificate along with a
birthday pack of surprise goodies just for kids! Sign up at

Just another gem for free food!
Famous Dave’s
Receive a BOGO free entree from Famous Dave’s via email, this is a hot offer and of course it’s a delicious offer at that!
Looking for more birthday freebies? I’ve got them here:
Posted by Clever Pink Pirate at 3:32 pm  Tagged with: Article, Birthdays, Saving Money

Purging ~ What Does Your Closet Say About You?

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Jul 122011

Imagine me, standing in my closet on a Sunday morning evaluating what to wear that day. As I stood there, I start thinking why do I have so many clothes? When I start to look at everything, I start to hear voices in my head. Hold on, not crazy voices. I literally thought, what if Stacy and Clinton from the show What Not To Wear were standing with me. What would THEY have to say about my closet? What if my BFFs were also standing in my closet, what would they have to say about my clothes? I have no idea why, I also flash in my head to the show Hoarders, good Lord I look almost like an organized clothing hoarder!

I’m pretty sure I am not a hoarder but I am not sure why I have had so many clothes in my closet. As I start to go rummage through my closet, I start to evaluate the clothing piece by piece.

Ahh yes, my “I love the 60′s” dress area with my collection of retro dresses. Clearly they were part of a phase of who I was at one time, probably a year ago. But now? Not so much. I grab the 5 dresses and put them in a pile. Clearly, I have a dress obsession and I start to stumble upon dresses that include dressy for church and Maxi for comfort. While I loved them then, I do not love them now, so into the pile they go.

As I continue down to the end, I am on fire. In my head, I have a checklist I go over for every piece of clothing:

  • Do I LOVE this?
  • When did I last wear this?
  • When will I wear this again?
  • Does this reflect what my style is today?
  • What would my BFF say about this outfit on me?
  • Do I already own something similar?
  • Is it a good fit?
  • Is there a condition to this piece of clothing (such as do I have to wear something over it, how often would I wear that outfit etc)?

An hour later, I am down 45! 45 pieces of clothing are gone, all bagged up and ready to go to Goodwill! Also, I can donate all the extra hangers to Goodwill as well! It felt good to skim down my closet, I no longer have to stand there and rummage through so much clothing. It felt good to get rid of clothing that doesn’t reflect my style today and of course also donating to Goodwill is a great feeling too!

When is the last time you did a good purge on your closet?

Posted by Clever Pink Pirate at 4:46 pm  Tagged with: Article, Tuesday Tip

Tuesday Tips: How I saved Money In April

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May 032011

Today I am sharing with you the top ways I saved money in the month of April:

**Produce Matching ~ By taking ads of all the stores that I get ads for in my mailbox to my Walmart Neighborhood market, I save at least $100 every month on produce. You can price match other items too as long as it is a dollar amount and not a percentage or BOGO sale. You can even use the price matching on the Organic section.

**Coloring My Own Hair ~ Is a woman supposed to admit she does this? Well I am, by coloring my own hair and yes, out of a “boxed kit”, I easily save at least $50 every month.

**Cutting the cords with the Cable ~ Last month I posted about letting go of Cable and watching TV free online. While I do hook up my computer to the TV once in a while, I primarily just watch a show on the computer when I have a chance. While this has saved me $75 a month, I found out this saved me even more. Last month was a full month of us running our AC and I thought for sure when I opened up my electric bill it was going to be the highest it’s been in about 6 months. I about fell on the floor when I opened it, my cable bill had gone down by $20. The only thing I can figure we had been doing different is not having our TV on. I really didn’t think it used that much energy, though I am still in disbelief that my AC unit is cheaper to run then my cablebox and TV.

**Using Daily Deal Sites: I have compiled a basic list of what the daily deal sites are here: This past month I have bought movie tickets, skating admission passes and bowling passes. With 4 kids, doing fun stuff can get pricey and this surely helps when I can buy tickets at a great discount!

**Forgoing the gym mebership ~ We used to belong to the YMCA and we had to nix that bill. Really, there are a lot of ways to get a workout on! I have a pair of weights I bought at Goodwill, I take my dog on walks/jogs (sell she walks me), playing Wii dance/sports games, hiking etc. This saves us $75 a month.

Posted by Clever Pink Pirate at 5:09 am  Tagged with: Article, Tuesday Tip

The Truth About Free Samples

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