spacer spacer spacer spacer spacer spacer Clarity of method, thought, and philosophy spacer spacer spacer spacer spacer spacer spacer spacer spacer Fast-moving suspense with plots premised on cutting edge science. I want to make you think without distracting from the story. The science is accurate and supports the story without overwhelming it. spacer spacer Novelist spacer spacer Speaker spacer more... spacer The intersection of science and culture. Disentangling the politics from the science of  radiation and climate change. Clarifying new discoveries: the Higgs boson and evidence for the violation of relativity. spacer Popular Science Writer spacer more... spacer spacer spacer Modern analysis techniques applied to life, business and career development. Popular science put in perspective and cutting edge science for the interested lay person. spacer spacer Looking for Ransom’s Notes? High Tech Consulting Technical Marketing Signal Integrity Analysis Click Here spacer spacer © Ransom Stephens, 2012. Like a dragonfly - darting from task to task and mastering every one. Made with Xara
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