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Welcome! Bienvenidos! It's a pleasure to have you drop by for a visit. My website, like my books, is intended to evoke a feeling of sensuality, comfort, romance, and charm. I write contemporary romance novels featuring Latino characters. Naturally, this means that between the covers of my books you'll encounter strong characters dealing with family and cultural issues, as well as the same concerns the average American faces on a daily basis. Because, no matter where we come from, we all pretty much want the same things… the love of a good person, a healthy family, a successful career that makes us happy.

So, pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee or, if the time is right and you're so inclined, a margarita or two, and peek inside the pages of my website. You'll get to know me a little better, have a taste of my writing, and find some fun links and info I think are important or entertaining. And hopefully, if I keep tapping away at my keyboard and the right publisher comes along, you'll click the Awards & News/Premios y Noticias link to find that I got "the call!"

Acomodese…Get comfortable, and thanks for joining me.

gipoco.com is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.