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Author Danielle Ackley-McPhail is available for writing seminar,
 interviews, book signings, author events, panel discussions, and convention appearances.

  • Please e-mail to make arrangments:


    Appearance Schedule for 2011

  • Capclave

    Rockville, MD

    October 14-16



    Cherry Hill, NJ

    November 20-22



    Timonium, MD

    November 27-29

    Author Note: If you are intending on being at any of the above events,
    please visit the
    Yesterday's Dreams Merchandise Store at
    Every person who brings a piece of YD merchandise to one of my events
    will receive a 10% discount on their book purchase at that event.

    (This discount not to be combined with any other offer.)

    Past Appearances

    Ubercon VII, February 10-12, 2006

    Secaucus, NJ

    My first gaming convention and I had to leave halfway through. Not my fault! Not their fault!
    I sped home on the front edge of a miniblizzard. Still the time I spent at the con was fun. Chatted with
    CJ, Met Lawrence M. Schoen, the founder of the Klingon Language Institute, and, apparently,
    buffalito wrangler. And hey...they fed me ice cream!


    Phoenix Convention III, March 11-12, 2006

    Dublin, Ireland

    This was our second trip to Ireland for both business and pleasure. It was great seeing more of
    the countryside this time, though a bit more rain than the first time...then, the first time was a fluke so...what can you say? P-Con has grown a bit since it's first year. We connected with a bunch of old friends and met quite a few new ones. Hung out in the bar with Juliet McKenna and Deirdre. Met
    Terry Pratchett's agent, spent time chatting with Colin Greenland and overall had a blast. Folks, if
    you thought panel discussions were interesting...try them when the panelists are served Guinness...oh, except for those that were drinking Bailey's ;)


    Lunacon, March 17-19, 2006

    Hasbrouck Heights, NJ

    Highlights of this con, Mike was invited to edit an anthology, Breach the Hull, for Spyre Books.
    Not much else of note took place. The hotel was undergoing renovations and it made for quite the experience. Hung out with Jeff Lyman and Angel Taubner and got escorted to my room and told to
    stay there no less than three times after some enthusiastic celebrating re: the new anthology.


    Ravencon, April 21-23, 2006

    Richmond, VA



    Wow! Let me tell you, for a first-year con, this was absolutely fantastic. Organized by veteran con-goers...and veteran con guests...this con made every effort to head off those gripes we have all had
    at one con or another. Now, I can't say everything went off absolutely without flaw...well, because then it wouldn't be a con, right? But one of the better organized cons I have been to over the last five years. I look forward to going back in the spring. And, I have to thank them...because of their first-year status, media was in attendance and I ended up with a REALLY cool photo of myself on the front cover of the Richmond Times-Dispatch.


    SJRLC Book Evaluation Giveaway Meeting, May 5, 2006

    Tabernacle, NJ


    Now, if there is anyone better than a reader to have a discussion with about books, it is a librarian! These ladies--and one gentleman--gave me a very warm welcome, not to mention their complete attention. There were some really good questions and I was honored to be invited. For those of you not familiar with what the book evaluation is, these librarians take books that have been sent to them by various publishers and read them. They then post a review on a national database, evaluating the books for suitability (many of these are school librarians) and quality. For every book they review, they get two for free. So if you are an author be sure to tell your publisher about this. Definitely a program they should consider participating in.


    Balticon 40, May 26-29, 2006

    Baltimore, MD



    There are no words. None. Really. And my being a writer, that is saying a lot! This was just one
    fantastic weekend from both a literary and a costuming standpoint. I had a lot of scheduled panels
    this weekend. Many of which, ironically, required me to read my work aloud.




    The timing of that was nice, considering this was the unofficial launch of the Mundania Press edition
    of Yesterday's Dreams. The convention scheduled a bang-up launch party for me and I was reunited
    with many of my Yesterday's Dreamers, not to mention artist Pamelina H, who help me raffle and
    present her custom painted violin based on a scene from the book. I sold many books, made many friends, and basically had a blast.




    I also presented a really cool skit, with the help of my friends Jeff Lyman and Angel Taubner (now Angel Lyman), and we even brought home the ribbons for Best in Class Journeyman. As a bonus, I got to meet for the first time in person, fellow Mundania Press Author, Elaine Corvidae. (Even better, we will be joining forces once more at this year's Philcon, in November. I can't wait!)



    Yesterday's Dreams, Book Launch

    Voices and Visions Bookstore, September 24, 2006

    Independence Mall - 4th Street, Lower Level

    Philadelphia, PA

    "Refreshment; Prizes to be raffled."


    Well, thanks to incliment weather and a movie shoot going on at Independence Mall, we didn't have
    much of a turn-out for this, but we did enjoy ourselves. I read a variety of my work and answered many questions about my process and use of mythology. A few friends turned for emotional support, and there was some interested traffic. Thanks, Angie, for throwing me this launch. Voices and Visions is such an elegant space, a very enjoyable event.


    Wine Tasting and Author Signing

    Tuscan Tavern, October 7, 2006

    Phone: 856-309-8883

    2001 College Drive

    Blackwood, NJ


    What can I say? Any visit to the Tuscan Tavern is an event, this one just happened to be all about me. Okay...all about me, and the lovely wine provided by Esser Winery. First person to walk in the door...okay...carried in the door, was my great-nephew, Maddox Ryan Pace. He was also the first one to buy a book, though his mother did insist on handling the money. From there a steady stream of friends from High School and my Yesterday's Dreamers writers group came to help me celebrate the release of the book--including David, who travelled all the way from Long Island, NY! I sold a respectable number of copies, had some really good wine, and had a chance to socialize. It was a lovely evening and I really appreciate the owners of the restaurant scheduling all this for me. Definitely something I would recommend for the future to anyone else self-promoting. Find something people like, find a company
    that makes it, and see about joining forces for a promotional event.


    Philcon, November 17-19, 2006

    Philadelphia, PA


    Had a blast at Philcon this year. It was a relaxed con for me, only a couple of panels and no reading, but I got to hang out at my dealer's table during the day with fellow Mundania Press author Elaine Corvidae (I must say, from a dealer's standpoint, this is the best Philcon I ever had!) and at night I had a blast just chilling out with friends and fans at the various con events. Didn't win anything in the Masquerade this year, but it's only fair after walking away with three top awards last year (how do you top that?!) The nicest thing about that even was being given the opportunity to read a poem I'd written for my nephew, Scott Miller, Jr., who passed away right before the con. I felt it was appropriate given that a number of people in the convention/literary family had been lost this year as well. I dedicated the reading to all of them. In addition to all that, this was my first year to ever enter the art show. I didn't sell anything, but I did win an award for Best Use of Textiles for my mask GreenFirePhoenix.


    Barnes and Noble Author Event, March 14, 2007

    Watch the Skies

    Camp Hill Barnes and Noble

    Camp Hill, PA


    This event was a blast. Nothing better than having a signing with a bunch of friends and fans guaranteed to be there! Mike and I drove hours across the state of Pennsylvania to Camp Hill and right off got do a bit of site-seeing and have some dinner with Eric Hardenbrook, a friend we rarely get to see. Afterward we went to the Barnes and Noble where I was set up right by the front door with book and posters the first thing to greet me. Second, was an aspiring writer, Steven, waiting to talk to me. I sold a few books, talk to a few friends, and then got to head to the back where the Watch the Skies reading group was holding its monthly meeting. I talked a bit about my work and publishing in general, then held a reading from my new anthology, Bad-Ass Faeries.



    Lunacon 2007, March 16-18, 2007

    Ryebrook, NY


    Lunacon was way cool this year! Back at the hotel fondly known as the Escher, I got to see a lot of friends here. Of course, I had to drive five hours through the worse ice storm on record...for a trip that usually takes two hours. But hey, if it's worth doing...right? Anyway, the great thing about the storm is that a few of the dealers were daunted by the weather, which means I got a prime spot in the dealer's room and did very well for myself. I also got to do some cool panels and meet on of my new favorite authors, Alma Alexander...who just happens to be really good friend of a friend of mine! We did not discover this until I showed up at the con and hug-mugged him :) We had a very enjoyable weekend getting to know one another.



    RavenCon 2007, April 20-22, 2007

    Richmond, VA

    Wow! One of my longest drives, but boy did I have a blast. Mike and I both brought out our costumes for this one. I test-ran my Masque of the Red Death costume and Mike featured an Stargate uniform that got him in good with the SG-9 group that has adopted the con. We sold books, chatted with friends and basically partied around. An excellent con that I definitely intend to return to next year.

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    Balticon 41, May 25-28, 2007

    Baltimore, MD


    There are no words. Absolutely no words...again! Must be a characteristic of Balticon
    This was the most eventful con I have ever been to...I spent most of my time in the dealer's room.



    When I wasn't there I was in a panel that in some way required me to read my work.
    I have never had so many readings in one weekend. It was a blast!

    Also cool, we finally presented the full skit of Masque of the Red Death, I even have the video to prove it. Good thing too, because I will NEVER be able to get those that participate back in those costumes. There are no better sports in the world than Jeff and Angel Lyman, Jagi Lamplighter, Zan Rosin, Jesse Harris, Joni Dashoff, and Jeff Young. Fortunately, all the torment was worth it. We not only won, but we won Best in Show!




    Now you might think that is enough for one weekend, but no. After that we had the launch for Bad-Ass Faeries and...WOW! We sold over 120 copies of the book over the course of the con. At the Launch party, which was on Sunday, there were well over 80 people there, twice the capacity of the room. Fortunately we were allowed to take over the corridor as well. Don't know how many raffle tickets we sold, but the prizes went, the food went, and lots of fun was had by all! Thank you to all of you that helped keep me semi-sane through all of it!




    But wait! There's more! Bad-Ass Faeries went off so well that we have been asked to do a sequel.
    In addition to that, Fortress Publishing has asked us to edit an anthology for them to! Keep your eyes out for Bad-Ass Faeries 2: Just Plain Bad, and Cry Havoc: Stories of Conflict Between Men, Monsters, and Machines!


    Stratford Public Library, June 2nd

    Book Sale and Author Appearance


    Philly Phantastic, June 22nd

    Had a decent crowd for this, about eight or ten people. No one bought books, but the bookstore did keep the stock for their shelves. The person that runs the event couldn't come at the last minute, but my friend Zan Rosin stepped up to the plate as MC as well as took me and Mike out to dinner afterward as a thank you. It was nice. We got to hang out and chat with some of those that attended the event. One of my Bad-Ass Faeries Contributors came to join me, Den C. Wilson. There's dedication! I read a snibbit of his story as well during the event.


    Watch the Skies! Barnes and Noble Readers Group, August 16, 2007 is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.