Each Reclaim project is underpinned by a Manifesto -
written by the young people on the final day of their four day conference. The manifesto is a vitally important document that is written in the words of the participants.


Each Reclaim project is underpinned by a Manifesto - written by the young people on the final day of their four day conference.

The manifesto is a vitally important document that is written in the words of the participants. The Reclaimees vote on which final 'rules' or statements should make it through to the final eight. This democratic process allows each young person to play a part in the selection of the final manifesto. Over lunch on the final day, 5000 copies of the manifesto are printed and returned to the group within the hour. The groups then travel door to door and into businesses in their community, handing out the manifesto and gaining adult support for their ideas and encouraging members of the community to display the document in their windows. The manifestos won a national award for their simplicity and for their message, namely that the community must accept its share of responsibility for the success of the area and its residents.

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