March 8, 2012: Winners, part two 

So all the authors involved in the Crossing the Streams contest pooled our entrants, and our single super-winner has been determined.

Congratulations, David J. Fortier! You win a signed book from each and every participating author! spacer

Dave won, for those who are interested in such details, via his entry to Jon Sprunk’s portion of the contest. Jon and Pyr Books have just released the third book in his Shadows trilogy, so go check him out. He’s worth reading.

Thank you, again, to everyone who entered. You made this whole experiment a blast, and we’re almost certain to be doing this again at some point in the not too distant future. spacer

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March 6, 2012: Cover copy for False Covenant 

What follows is the tentative cover copy/blurb for False Covenant, the second Widdershins novel. Some of the more clever among you might have already figured that out from the subtle clues hidden in the headline.

A warning before you read this, though. It does include some spoilers–regarding some particular character deaths–from the first novel, Thief’s Covenant. If you haven’t read the first one yet, and you don’t like having some substantial plot points spoiled for you in advance, you may want to hold off on reading this.


March 5, 2012: Winners, part one 

So, I’ve selected my two “local” winners from the Crossing the Streams contest!

Charles Roburn and Michael J. Winegar (who also apparently won one of Howard Jones’ books; told you it was possible to win more than one author’s contest  spacer ) will each be receiving a signed copy of one of my novels. Congrats, guys, and thanks so much to everyone who entered.

Announcement of the big, contest-wide “super-winner” to come shortly.


March 5, 2012: Mellorin Rebaine vs… holy crap 

The Suvudu web site (official blog of Del Rey/Spectra) does a yearly Cage Match, wherein they pit various sci-fi/fantasy characters against one another. Last year, Corvis Rebaine was a participant, and lost–inappropriately, I might add spacer –to Severus Snape.

Well, this year, Covis’s daughter, Mellorin (the teenage version from The Warlord’s Legacy, not the 12-year-old from The Conqueror’s Shadow) is a participant. And in her first battle, she’s going up against…

Geez. Anomander Rake, from Steven Eriksson’s Malazon Book of the Fallen series.

Yeah, this is pretty much Mellorin’s first and last round in the competition. 8-O  Heck, I wrote the combat write-up, and I couldn’t justify having her win.

Still, I’d like you all to check it out. You can read about the battle here. And if you feel inclined to vote for Mellorin, just so she can actually make something of a showing, I won’t object. spacer


March 1, 2012: And that’s midnight! 

Or at least, it is here.

Thus, the Crossing the Streams contest, or at least my portion of it, comes to a close. Which, on the plus side, means you guys get to stop hearing incessant reminders about it–at least until we run the next one. spacer

Thank you so much to all the fans who entered, and to all the other authors who participated. And keep an eye out; we’ll be announcing winners (both individual site winners and our single super-winner) starting in the next few days.


February 27, 2012: Time for the Future 

So, the Foreshadows: Ghosts of Zero anthology–which includes “Twenty-One-Oh,” my own short story, as well as tales by a huge number of truly talented writers–is finally available. This project is not just a book, but also a CD of original music, each piece having inspired, or at least thematically linked, with one of the stories. Take a gander; it’s worth the look.

Also, because I’ve been asked recently, I want to say something about both Darksiders: the Abomination Vault and Agents of Artifice. In both cases, I tried very hard to make the books accessible to newcomers, so you shouldn’t need to be familiar with the properties (either Darksiders or Magic: the Gathering) to read the books. There will be a few details/references that you won’t get–no way to eliminate that factor entirely and still be faithful to the setting–but it shouldn’t prevent you from enjoying the novel as a whole.

And finally, you have two more days–until midnight on Wednesday–to enter the Crossing the Streams multi-author, multi-book contest. If you haven’t yet, you really should. Really. Go do that. Now, even.


February 24, 2012: Look Upon The Abomination Vault 

As it has now been revealed (on the Darksiders twitter feed, among other places), I would like to present… Well, this. spacer

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