Factors to Consider when Selecting VOIP Phone Systems

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) providers are renowned among many businessmen and entrepreneurs for their cheaper calling rates. Additionally, neither long term contracts nor expensive extra charges are required. These merits and many more have made many professionals to switch to VoIP providers in order to get phone call services.  There are some VoIP Business Telephone Systems that are designed for individual customers where an internet connection, Wi-Fi, Ethernet is necessary, while others are for a business level where integration is done on the basis of the company’s computer networks. VoIP phone systems save a lot of money because most of the time calls made travel over the data network. Having said this, here are the factors to consider.


  • Reliable Internet Connection: If you are considering obtaining VoIP phone system, it is important to ensure that you have a reliable internet connection. Without this, your phone will not be able to work properly. On the other hand, if the internet connection keeps going on and off, your phone might not work as required and you will receive poor results for your business.
  • Power Supply: For VoIP phone systems to work properly, the power supply should be flowing. In case there is power outage, there maybe some inconveniences for you. It is for this reason that it is worthwhile to select an area where the power supply flows throughout to enable the system to work properly.


  • Purpose: It is important to ask yourself why you need the VoIP phone system. Is it for business customers or for personal use? For instance you can choose Skype that is designed for individual use whereas Aptela is for business customers.
  • Process of Making the Phone Calls: While selecting VoIP phone systems, it is important to consider how you intend to make the phone calls. Is it by using a computer connected to the internet? Or is it through traditional phones? It is important to choose wisely as this will be beneficial to you later on.
  • Equipment Required: VoIP providers do not offer any equipment on VoIP phone systems purchased.  It is important to consider whether you will need equipment or not. For instance, if you intend to make international calls cheaply, there is no need for you to have equipment.  On the other hand, if you are an entrepreneur interested in overhauling your telephone system, you will be required to buy VoIP phones to plug into your PC.

  • Cost: It is important to take time and compare all the prices that are being offered on the VoIP phone systems. This can be based on how much you intend to use the VoIP service and the regions in which you intend to make the calls to. There are several VoIP providers offering different rates for both international and domestic calls thus making the costs to also vary. It is important to choose wisely.
  • Customer Service: Consider which customer service specialist at the company where you have bought your VoIP phone system will attend to you. This can be in terms of equipment installation and how the system will facilitate your organization’s growth in the future.

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