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       ..:desktop wallpapers short how to:..
       A desktop wallpaper is a background picture, image or pattern, where icons, desktop menues and other items are displayed. The image        wallpaper can be in GIF or JPG file format. Almost all operating systems, (at least, these that use a GUI, MS Windows, Linux, Unix,        McIntosh Mac OS) provide the user with option of setting certain wallpaper. There are some pre-installed wallpapers, or one may choose        to load a third-party wallpaper. Dimensions of wallpapers image should match screen resolution for better display quality. Common        resolutions are:
       spacer low and medium (800X600, 1024X768, 1152X864)
       spacer high resolutions (1280X1024, 1600X1200 and greater)
       There are some special designed wallpapers for dual monitor display, multi monitor display etc.
       Wallpaper settings are:
       spacer centered
       spacer streched
       spacer tiled
       Centered means that image is set in the middle of desktop; if the dimensions of image is less that screen resolution a predefined color        surrounds it;
       Streched means that image dimensions are modified to match monitor resolution; under some circumstances this cam distort or lower        the image quality
       Tiled means that image is repeating itself, much like tiles from the bathroom. This suits for pattern image digital wallpapers, building an        entire single image.
       To set a wallpaper on your computer you should follow these steps:
       spacer Navigate to the wallpaper page
       spacer Click 'Right mouse button' somewhere on image
       spacer Choose and click the 'Set as Background' option
       Please note
       Install wallpapers on your computer on your own risk. We don't take any responsibility for changes you make to your computer.

       You have quality 3d desktop wallpapers download ready for your desktop. No login, ads, pop-ups or under, subscriptions or any
       annoying must visit sponsor pages. Just select category, view and right click for free hassle download. :-)
       Have fun !
       All wallpapers are free for personal use ! wallpapers design is copyright of respective creators.

    ..:international art news for November 06, 2006, for those who might be interested :..
spacer   Dan McCleary and James Brown
Rebecca Ibel Gallery Miranova, Columbus, USA United States of America
The Rebecca Ibel Gallery at Miranova in Columbus is delighted to present new works by James Brown and Dan McCleary. Brown's works on paper from the series 'The Planets' evoke outer space with delicate forms and selected colors. Where Brown's work is more cerebral, McCleary?s paintings come from an intense process of visually studying the subjects of his still lifes and portraits. This pairing unites for the first time the work of lifelong friends.
spacer   Towards The Light: Keith Morant
Alexis International, Christchurch, NZ New Zealand (Aotearoa)
Following his solo exhibition at the Broadway gallery in New York, Keith Morant has returned to New Zealand to complete and exhibit a new range of work for Alexis International. This exhibition is titled ?Towards The Light? and the opening reception was held on Sunday 5th of November at the gallery. The pressure is on for Morant. In December he exhibits again in Miami at the Art Basel International Art show, then January 2007 sees his work on a five-month touring exhibition called ?Apple? which goes from Valencia, Spain, Europe and Beijing, China, then back to New York.Keith Morant has been a Premiere Portfolio Artist at since April 2006.
spacer   Mark R Brockman: Landscapes
Delaplaine Visual Arts Center, Frederick, USA United States of America
The landscape has inspired artists for hundreds of years and Mark R Brockman is no different. What sets Brockman apart from the others, is his ability to look at the landscape with the eye of an Abstract Expressionist. There are no sweeping panoramic views at this show but more intimate portraits of a specific spot. Portraits that capture the spirit of the place rather then a photographic representation.The Delaplaine Visual Arts Center in Frederick, Maryland presents Mark R Brockman: Landscapes from November 4 to December 22, 2006. Mark R Brockman has been a Premiere Portfolio Artist at sonce 2000
spacer   Call for Artists: Juried Competition for Digital Art and Photography
Los Angeles Center For Digital Art, Los Angeles, USA United States of America
LACDA announces our juried competition for digital art and photography. Entrants submit three JPEG files of original work. All styles of 2D artwork and photography where digital processes of any kind were integral to the creation of the images are acceptable. The competition is international, open to all geographical locations. The selected winner receives 10 prints up to 44x60 inches on canvas or museum quality paper (approximately a $1500-$2000 value) to be shown in a solo exhibition in our main gallery from December 14, 2006-January 6, 2007. The show will be widely promoted and will include a reception for the artist.
    ..:some shameless self advertising stuff:..
..:photos and illustrations for your designs, download ready:..
spacer  Our digital fine art gallery is growing fast ! Our digital images and free 3d desktop wallpapers are original compositions coming from independent projects, or from alternatives never used. Save time and money using them. And because the images sources are available, you can design any modification or usability one can imagine... or, if you want we can work it for you !
..:creativity and graphic design for limited budget:.. is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.