About Reticent Studio

Reticent Studio is an online studio shared by two friends who share a passion for creativity. We use this site to express ourselves in many different forms of art such as writing, illustration and design.

The word Reticent means to be restrained in expression, presentation, or appearance and ironically we included it in our name to do the exact opposite. Like many other artist, we are introverts but we want to find an outlet for all of the ideas and plans we have built up inside of us. The word reticent fit our personalities perfectly and it made it easy for us to decide on the name Reticent Studio.

spacer Joy Mitchell- Designer, Coder, Illustrator, Writer and Art Student

As an art student, all I want to do is show/ find out who I am through the God given talents I have. I have always had a huge interest in creative writing and I am a major book worm. Besides my love for design and web coding, I am a crafter at heart. Some of my favorite things to do are knitting, crochet, cooking/baking and taking Photography. When I’m not coming up with Ideas, I’m spending time with my family, enjoying a lovely courtship with a boy and hanging out with my two cats here in Philadelphia.

spacer Ariana Caride- Writer and College Student

Reading has served as my only escape from my personal prison. Now, at a time where it is my thoughts that need escape the most, I turn to writing in hopes that through my words, I can not only express my emotions, but perhaps, bring the same freedom I felt in reading, to someone else. Aside from reading and writing, I love laughing, traveling, photography, cooking, baking, thunderstorms, orchids, and nature. I could definitely live without war, confined spaces, window bars, public speaking, drama, vegetables, heart ache, mullets, cheaters, liars, and stalkers.

gipoco.com is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.