Ikerbasque News


Sources: Ikerbasque



Ikerbasque hosts a meeting of the Basque Science System's managers

Last 13th February the Basque Science Systems manager’s annual meeting took place in Bilbao. Using Basque Science Observatory’s data, they concluded that Basque Country’s situation is “positive, but could be improved” and it is crucial that... 



Sources: BCBL and Ikerbasque



Manuel Carreiras achieves an ERC Advanced Grant

Manuel Carreiras, director of BCBL (Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language) in Donostia-San Sebastian, has obtained an ERC Advanced Grant funded with 2.5 million € for researching changes happening in brain when.... 




Source: BCAM


BCAM organizes M4temozioa, with the participation of Alfio Quarteroni  

BCAM (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics), one of the BERC established by Ikerbasque, has programmed for the next 21th February a talk by Alfio Quarteroni, from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale of Lausanne, in which he will talk about “Mathematical modeling: from the Galileo legacy to the environment, medicine and technology”.

Mathematical modeling aims to describe various aspects of the real world, their interaction and their dynamics, through mathematics.

In this presentation the role of mathematical modeling in applied sciences, and the way modern mathematical modeling is influenced by Galileian intuition on the description of natural phenomena will be discussed...


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