MJJames.co.uk - A Portfolio Site for Michael James Application Developer

Michael James (mjjames) is a .Net Application Developer based in Liverpool, UK.

This site aims to be a showcase / portal for all the projects I am actively involved in and a place to pull all my other "web presences" together.

My blog is the place to read what I have been working on.

If you are interested in any of the code / work I have released check out my code labs

I am an avid user of Twitter and tend to micro blog frequently, why not follow me to keep abrest of my recent activities.

My Linked.In profile is the place to find out my professional history and my education.

I try to keep my Flickr account up to date with any pictures I have been taking, expect infrequent updates to this. If you're intereted in my music taste then you'll find my Last.FM profile has me summed up pretty well.

If you want to find out what I have been reading recenly and recommend others reading check out my Google Reader Shared Items or find me on delicious.

If you are interested in Site Monitoring check out AlertFox

gipoco.com is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.