about Alexandra Erin (dot com)

Contact Information

First, leaving important messages for me as comments on my stories is not a good way to get my attention or get the answer to a question. I sometimes read the comments, but not always, and not always on a timely basis. If you have a question and you don't mind it and the answer being public, it's best to use my Formspring. Email is best otherwise.

My email address is contactme[first symbol]alexandraerin[second symbol]com. The "symbols" are exactly what you'd expect them to be. Use this address to contact me about anything. Unfortunately, I may not have time to reply to all email that I receive.

I go through phases where I lose track of how long it's been since I've checked for notifications from something or how long it's been since I received a message that I meant to reply to, so please feel free to send me a polite poke/reminder about anything you think I might have forgotten. The keyword is "polite". If I seem to be ignoring you, it's probably neither personal nor intentional.  

Requests For Submissions

If you are collecting submissions for an anthology and you would like for me to contribute a story to it, please email me using the address listed above. I have missed such messages before, but I have a new system in place that involves actually checking my email. I enjoy writing short stories, but often have so many ideas bouncing around in my head that it's helpful to get a more specific prompt like a themed anthology.

I am particularly interested in contributing stories to smaller and newer presses, and am willing to promote any publication that includes my work. The amount of compensation I receive for a given story is less important to me than what I can achieve with the story. Be advised that I may ask for certain editorial concessions involving punctuation that I consider to be part of my signature style.

Licensing Existing Work

While I do not pursue conventional publication, I am not opposed to the idea of it. If you are interested in developing a print version of one or some of my works, please email your proposal to the address listed above. I will be more receptive to offers that do not involve removing free electronic versions of a work from circulation.

If you are interested in adapting one of my works or a portion thereof to another medium (such as a podcast, comic, or illustrated story), please contact me. No money need be involved if you are not planning on selling the end result. Please note that I do not give a blanket permission for such works.  But if you would like to make one, I would like to hear from you. 

Arranging Personal Appearances

I've found that I enjoy doing readings and meet-and-greets, but I'm not very good at arranging them. My brain, it doesn't social well. If you're willing to take the initiative in making something happen, please contact me (before making any plans) and we'll see what we can work out. As my travel funds are limited, this works best if it's somewhere local (i.e., Omaha, NE), or somewhere I'm going to be anyway. I often discuss my travel plans on my Livejournal.

Places you can count on me being in the neighborhood of sooner or later include Hagerstown, MD; Dunedin, FL; and Memphis or Nashville, TN.

I'm also willing to participate in panels or discussion groups that touch on my areas of expertise and interest. If you're organizing programming for a con and would like me to participate, I'll be more likely to be able to accept the less it will cost me to get there.

If You See Me In Real Life...

Please introduce yourself, even if we've met before. My brain does not do faces very well at all. It is not anything personal. Social interactions can be very stressful for me because of this. I may not remember you, even if we have had many long, interesting, and enjoyable conversations. Remind me of them and it will probably fall into place.  

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