
spacer The most sexy and glamorous of women such as Audrey Hepburn and Sharon Stone have smoked on the big screen. So too have debonair heroes such as Sean Connery and Pierce Brosnan. In movies, art and in the real world, if we can set political correctness aside, it is widely known that smoking is sexy. But traditional cigarettes have a decidedly unappealing aspect that has all but taken away their glitter: they cause cancer, heart disease, emphysema and more. Everybody knows that dragging an oxygen tank around behind you isn’t sexy, and traditional cigarettes are being banned everywhere in the interest of public health.

Posh Smoke is making smoking sexy … again. Using the power of modern electronics and chemistry combined with a unique eye for sophistication, we are delivering all of the style, taste, luxury and pure sex appeal that traditional cigarettes promised but failed to deliver. And because of the latest technological innovations, we have elevated electronic cigarettes into the realm of not just stylish fashion accessories but serious tools in the art of seduction.

Posh Smoke is sexy. This is not just marketing hype. Using our patent-pending process, we literally include high-purity bio-identical scents that the opposite sex will find compelling. Instead of watering eyes and an aversion to smoke, the one you choose will want to come closer. Much closer.

Quality is sexy, and Posh Smoke delivers. Whether it is the long and sleek lines of the Posh Femme that complement a woman’s hand to accentuate her feminine form or the fact our batteries last nearly twice as long as those sold in cut-rate kits, we haven’t missed a single detail in delivering the best.

Posh Smoke is green. No CO2 emissions or unsightly cigarette butts strewn about. Did you know that a cigarette filter can take 150 years to biodegrade?

Posh Smoke is vegan. Absolutely no animal products whatsoever are used in the manufacture of our flavors.

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