Angel-App Wiki

 The cost and inconvenience of backup are unavoidable and often prohibitive. Large-scale solutions require aggregation of substantial demand to justify the costs of managing a large, centralized repository. Small-scale solutions require significant administrative effort by the end user.
  Due to the low cost of storage, administration is the dominant cost of backup. The only way to make backup affordable is to shift the administrative burden from professionals to individual users. Unfortunately, individual users rarely have the time, patience, or technical expertise to backup their own data properly. If users backup their data at all, snapshots are taken infrequently and incompletely and then only stored locally.

The Angel-App (a subproject of MISSION ETERNITY) aims to eliminate the (administrative) cost of backing up. It does so by providing a peer-to-peer/social storage infrastructure where people collaborate to back up each other's data. Its goals are

See SimilarProjects for how the angel-app is similar to or different from related software projects. The Angel-Application is currently licensed under theGPL, with other licensing schemes available on request.


The angel-app is not yet in a functional state, though most of the infrastructure is in place.

Get Started


June 15th, 2006: Development kickoff and call for contributors

After 6 months of research, active development of the Angel-App has started ongna!. After evaluating numerous libraries and environments, development is now proceeding inpython, using thetwisted matrix networking library. We are currently actively looking for contributors.

FrontPage (last edited 2006-11-15 13:47:18 by etoy.VINCENT) is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.