

About Jina Bolton

Jina lives in San Francisco. She en­joys cre­at­ing beau­ti­ful user ex­pe­ri­en­ces and then wri­ting and speak­ing a­bout it.

Jina is a

  • de­sign­er
  • de­vel­op­er
  • pub­lic speak­er
  • au­thor
  • art­ist

Her work his­to­ry inc­ludes:

  • Apple, Inc., where she worked first as a lead Front End UI De­vel­op­er on the Apple Online Store re­mod­el pro­ject, and then later as a Vi­su­al In­ter­act­ion De­sign­er on the Apple Online Store User Experience team.
  • W3C Web Accessibility Initiative, where she con­sul­ted as the lead CSS de­vel­op­er on one of their ear­li­er re­de­sign pro­jects.
  • Crush + Love­ly, where she worked as an Interaction Designer on their var­i­ous prod­ucts and cli­ent pro­jects.
  • Engine Yard, where she worked as a User Experience Designer on the prod­uct team.
  • Mass.Gov, where she con­sul­ted as the lead CSS devel­oper on an ear­li­er re­de­sign of the main web­site for the state of Massachusetts.
  • GitHub, where she worked as a de­sign­er.

Her ed­u­ca­tion his­to­ry inc­ludes:

  • Academy of Art University, where she is curr­ent­ly work­ing to­ward her Master of Fine Art in Web Design + New Me­di­a.
  • Santa Reparata International School of Art, where she stud­ied Book Arts and Italian Language in their sum­mer 2006 pro­gram.
  • Memphis College of Art, where she re­ceived her Bachelor of Fine Art in Computer Arts and Graphic Design — see her fea­tured on their web­site.

Jina has been fea­tured in:

  • CSS Professional Style, a Jap­an­ese CSS book.
  • Web De­signing Magazine, a Ja­pa­nese mag­a­zine.

About Sushi & Robots

Sushi & Robots is hand­craft­ed by Jina us­ing HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. The site is ho­sted on (mt) Media Temple.

Frequently Asked Questions

If your questi­on is not listed he­re, feel free to con­tact me and I will try my best to get back to you.

How many years of web de­si­gn expe­ri­ence do you have?

I started 15 years ago, in 1996.

Are you self-­taught or do you have an a­ca­dem­ic ed­u­ca­tion?

I taught my­self HTML and CSS, but I re­ceived for­mal de­si­gn trai­ning from Memphis College of Art.

How did you start your care­er?

In 1996, my fa­ther was ex­pe­ri­men­ting wi­th AOLPress. This got in­ter­est­ed in doing my own web de­si­gn and I start­ed tea­ching myself HTML. When I went to art col­lege for de­si­gn, I started doing so­me fre­elance gigs for local rock bands and small com­pan­ies to help me wi­th ex­pen­ses du­ring school. Soon af­ter that I land­ed my first in­tern­ship, which was at O­den.

What ad­vice do you have for oth­ers that are start­ing out in your field?

Practi­ce con­stant­ly. Soci­al net­work­ing can do won­ders for your care­er. Pro­mote your work. Blog, write, speak. Be re­spect­ful.

Do you use a PC or a Mac?

Definitely a Mac.

What are your favo­rite work ap­p­licati­ons?

  • Ado­be Photo­shop for web/UI de­si­gn and digi­tal art.
  • Ado­be InDesi­gn for print de­si­gn.
  • Keynote for presentati­ons.
  • Textmate for deve­loping.
  • Pages for word pro­cessing.
  • Pro­pane for chatting in Campfire.
  • Goog­le Chro­me for testing.