What is Flapp?

Flapp is a tool that takes your Flapp enabled AS3 game and makes it a stand alone windows executable, ready for distribution on platforms such as Steam, Yawma and AppUp.

Flapp provides a small boost in performance for you flash games and with it's associated AS3 library will also allow you to use up to four XInput devices, such as the XBox 360 controller, in your game.

Also, Flapp is free. Though if you make some money off it, think about donating to it's continued development!

Finally, if you have any questions, comments or suggestions for future versions, please email me!


Current version: v1.1

The zip file contains three directories.

/AS3Lib/ - Contains the Flapp AS3 libraries.
/FlappMaker/ - Contains the Flapp Maker application.
/FlixelSample/ - Contains the source to a sample flixel game that when compiled can be run through Flapp Maker to make a XInput enabled Flapp game.

To run a Flapp game, you'll need:

.Net 2.0 (Vista and Windows 7 already have it, XP users need to download it from here)
SlimDX (Only if you use XInput)
Flash for IE

Change Logs

V1.1 - Now When selecting not to use XInput, Flapp can be used without the need to install SlimDX

v1.0 - Inital release


Depending on what your project is the set up might be a little different. I've only tested on Flixel, but there's no reason why it shouldn't work with all AS3.

Add the contents of the /AS3Lib/ directory to either your src folder. In the first compiled class add the import line:

import org.flapp.*;

Then, if you don't want to use XInput devices, in the constructor of the object add this:

var f:FlappCore = new FlappCore(false);

And then you're all done! Run Flapp Maker, set all your settings and then select Make App from the file menu. After a short compile, your game is done.

If you do want to use XInput devices, then change the false to true, but you'll also need to access the ControllerSupport.Controller array to get the input for your game, and distribute the game with SlimDX. Have a look through FlixelExample to see how it's done

Aaron Charcoal Styles created Flapp in Feburary 2011 over a week, to help the amazingly talented Flash developers gain access to more profitable markets. Aaron currently lives in Melbourne, Australia and studies at Monash University.

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