About the National Housing Institute

The National Housing Institute (NHI), founded in 1975, is an independent nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering decent, affordable housing and a vibrant community for everyone.

Through its magazine, Shelterforce, its Web site www.nhi.org, its research, and its advocacy, NHI focuses attention and encourages action on progressive, high-impact housing and community-development policies and practices through the lens of such subjects as social and economic equity, racism, poverty, health, the environment, education, and sustainability.

In May 2008, NHI launched its blog, Rooflines, in an aim to create an ongoing discussion among practitioners and journalists alike on all things within NHI’s purview and more. As the Rooflines tag says, this blog is “beyond bricks and mortar.”

NHI has conducted original research on such topics as shared-equity homeownership, managing neighborhood change, saving subsidized housing, homelessness prevention, and creating jobs as a component of affordable-housing construction.

Operating at the intersection of theory, practice, and policy, NHI examines how these and other factors affect people as they try to build safe, viable neighborhoods.

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