Driving in a Fog

August 28th, 2011 by admin

What happens to us is that when we get overwhelmed our brains keep trying to play catch up and in the process, this brain frenzy short circuits our actions. Now don’t get me wrong we are working like crazy but we don’t seem to be accomplishing much because we are trying to do too much too fast.

We can even feel the CHAOS start to build. So why don’t we stop the avalanche before it comes sliding down on top of us! It is because we think if we just keep juggling we can keep all those balls in the air. We are not perfect and let’s face it; we are never going to be. But that is just fine with me. I don’t have to be perfect to be loved. My home does not have to be perfect to be lived in. Housework done incorrectly still blesses my family. I can do anything for 15 minutes! What doesn’t matter, just doesn’t matter!

When you feel the pressure start to mount then that is the time to let off some of the steam so you will not explode and the avalanche suffocate you! I can hear you now! HOW DO I DO THAT!

Let me tell you what I do when I start to feel overwhelmed. I stop dead in my tracks when I first realize that I am beginning to feel antsy and SIT DOWN!

Then I take a few deep breaths and get out a piece of paper. Automatically my heart rate slows down and that antsy feeling subsides. The reason it is hard for us to recognize that we are feeling overwhelmed is because we have been living on adrenaline most of our lives. We have to practice slowing down when we feel antsy instead of speeding up! Think of it this way. You are going to love this one.

When you are driving and you see a problem way up ahead; do you drive faster to get there quicker. No you slow down and become more cautious. Imagine that all of a sudden you are driving in a fog and you can’t see where you are going. You have to slow down. Now you can’t just stop(crawl in bed) on the highway because there will be a major pile up(the house will fall apart). You have to proceed slowly and cautiously; being aware of everything going on around you. You even turn off the music so you can concentrate more. If you have a phone call you ignore it. Your mind has to be focused. That fog represents what is going on in our heads when we are trying to do too much at one time!

We can do this with our driving! So let’s start practicing it with our race though our day. Your day doesnt have to be one pile up after another!

Slow your brain down by sitting down with a piece of paper.

Put on some calming music and examine what is happening to you. Ask yourself these questions.

Have I had any food today?
Have I had any water?
Am I angry?
Am I tired?
Am I dressed to shoes?
What are the priorities? Write them down on your paper and put first things first.
Set your timer for 5 minutes and take care of yourself so you can think.

Then use your timer to keep you focused. I call it a 15 minute day! It is kind of like crisis cleaning for your head.  I take my list of priorities and start at the top and spend 15 minutes on that one. It doesn’t matter that it is not finished then I set my timer again and go to the next item on the list. I do this three times then I sit for 15 minutes and collect my thoughts and rest at the same time. After timer goes off; I start again!

Are you feeling overwhelmed right now? Try this! It doesn’t matter if you are at work or home? Your timer eliminates the fog in your head! Use it!

Are you ready to FLY in a Fog-free area?

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  • Posted in Get Organized, Home Making, Negativity

Become a Calendar Aficionado

August 22nd, 2011 by admin

I have been brainstorming on how to help you enjoy using your calendar. I have put together a list of 11 Tips to make your calendar work for you!

1.  Color Code your calendar. Use a high lighter for each member of your family,  a dot or some color to help you recognize who has something when you look across the room at your calendar.

2.  Use blank address labels to cover up mistakes or changes in your calendar.

3.  Don’t procrastinate about putting appointment on your calendar. Do it now! You’re your calendar working for you! This way you don’t have to try to remember everything.

4.  Look ahead so that you can plan for special events or doctor’s appointments. Do you need to fast, how about that suit that needs cleaned or a new dress for the wedding?

5.  Check the family calendar morning, afternoon and evening. This habit is the Shiny Sink of your brain.

6.  Put your calendar in a place that is in front of the family. After all out of sight is out of mind for us.

7.  Allow your family to help you use the calendar. This is teaching them the calendar habit. Using a calendar as a tool is giving your children wings.

8.  Each week have a family meeting to synchronize your schedules and put them on the family calendar. This is about communicating with each other and having all the information in one place.

9.  When you walk in your door; THINK! Do we have something to post on the calendar? Put up a note to remind you. Having that PTA or church bulletin in your purse, the sports schedule in the backpack or that invitation in back of the calendar is not going to get it posted to your family calendar. This habit will keep things from slipping up on you! Don’t wait to do it later. Later will be that frantic phone call!

10.  Make it your family calendar fun! Use sticker, stars and smiley faces to decorate as well as celebrate accomplishments.

11.  Use your calendar to chart your family’s milestones. Your calendar will become your family history! Yes you can save your calendars. They will help you to scrapbook.

These 11 tips will help you to use your calendar instead of just buying it and allowing yet another calendar to become clutter in your home. Our calendar is big enough to hold your family’s appointments.

Are you ready to FLY with a calendar that helps you stay on your flight path?


Most of us need a calendar when we are out running errands. This is why we recommend Cozi.


With Cozi and your FlyLady Calendar you are ready for anything!

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Happy Living Things

August 14th, 2011 by admin

This past week I joined many members from our community to kick off the fundraising for our new Animal Shelter. While I was a County Commissioner several years ago it had been on our priority list, along with a new library and a new jail. Now the time has come for the Animal Shelter to be put at the top of the list. I am very proud of our Commissions for thinking of the future needs of community and the helpless critters who live here. They have committed to $750,000 toward our new shelter. The Friends of the Animal Shelter are looking for donations to make our Shelter the best it can possibly be. All we need is $350,000! Please donate what you can today. animalsheltertc.org/

I am also proud of the volunteers who rescue these homeless creatures from our animal shelter. In 2010 our Transylvania County Animal Shelter took in 586 animals and 514 of them were given new homes. Other counties in North Carolina are euthanizing thousands.  According to records at the North Carolina Department of Agriculture, Davidson County tops their list by having reported killing 7013 dogs and cats in 2009.

I believe that the reason our numbers are a mere 1% of Davidson County has to do with the volunteer organizations; TAAG, Charlie’s Angels, Friends for Life, Catman II, Noah’s Ark and many others who foster these pets. Our community has been blessed because, not only do these volunteers rescue these helpless critters but they also make it easier and affordable to be a responsible pet owner. They provide help with shots and spay and neutering clinics.  We have fewer unwanted animals because these people devote their time and money into saving these happy living things.

My vet, Clyde Brooks who is the Co-Chair of this Fundraising project speculated that it would be nice to not need an animal shelter. Another vet, Dr. McPherson said that he went into schools teaching children what it means to be a responsible pet owner. Several parents would get upset with him because they were being shamed by their children to get their dogs and cats fixed so there would not be any more unwanted puppies and kittens.

This is a big part of being a responsible pet owner. We want to teach our children responsibility by getting them a pet. Our dogs and cats need; food, water, shelter, love, companionship and routines, just like you do. Some of the funniest testimonials I receive have to do with our pets. One lady as she was putting her shoes in the morning, her dog would bring her the leash because shoes had to mean they were going for a walk.

Our homes would not be the same without our animals. When you are ready to get a new pet for your home please check with your local animal shelter. All of my dogs and cats are rescue animals. The first dog I ever got on my own was from a shelter.

His name was Ranger and I believe that dog saved my life when someone tried to rob the store I had opened at the crack of dawn. Some stranger came in the door and every hair stood up on Ranger’s back. That dog loved everyone. I just looked at that man and said, I don’t know what you have in mind but if you don’t get out of here Ranger is going to attack you. That man hit the door running and Ranger was right after him; keeping him away from the door. The dog didn’t attack but I know in my heart that Ranger protected me from evil.

This week I got these two quotes. I don’t know who to attribute them to but they are worth sharing. “Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened.” The next quote says it all, “To the world, you are just one more rescue person. To a rescued pet, you are the world.”

Please volunteer with your local organizations and donate to them. Help us build our new Animal Shelter. animalsheltertc.org/

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Laundry Scavenger Hunt

August 7th, 2011 by admin

Do you feel like you never get finished with the laundry? Is there evidence of the laundry process all over your home? Are there soured towels in the washing machine because you forgot about them? Do you have a dryer full of wrinkled clothes because you were on the phone when the buzzer went off? If you actually folded them are they still on top of your dryer or piled in your laundry basket waiting to be put away?

Laundry is just like dishes. If you eat on plates and drink water out of glasses; you will have dirty dishes. If you get up and get dressed and get ready for bed you will have dirty clothes. Dishes or clothes dont magically get clean, someone has to lift a hand to start the process. Starting the process is just the beginning of five step journey of climbing Mount Washmore!

One day you wake up to no clean underwear. So you either have to go buy some new undies or do the laundry. By this time you have worn every clean item of clothing you have and Mount Washmore seems like Mount Everest. Where do you start?

If your laundry has gotten out of hand there is a good chance that you do not have a routine for staying on top of it! I am going to teach you how to get it done and then give you a routine for keeping up with it.

We are going on a laundry scavenger hunt. Put on some fun music! Go to your laundry room and check the washer and dryer for forgotten clothes. Start sorting those clothes into piles: Whites, delicates, colors, jeans, towels and sheets. Then check your laundry hot spots; the bathroom floor and hamper, treadmill handlebars and the bedroom chair. You know your favorite dumping ground for dirty clothes. Get the children involved too. Ask them to look under their beds and in their closets. Keep sorting the clothing into your piles.

Next gather up all your laundry baskets and put your laundry detergent, softener and stain pre-treater in one basket. Then go to all your closets and gather up all the empty hangers and put them in another basket. You have lots of piles of clothes. Put single loads in garbage bags and take them to your car. You probably have ten or more loads. The next thing you are hunting for in this scavenger hunt is money. Go cushion diving or your change jar to gather up coins for the Laundromat. Now don’t fuss that you have a washing machine and a dryer. You have not been using them. It is time to get this done!

Before you leave the house, clean out one drawer for each family member. Most of the clothes in your drawers you do not wear because if you did they would be in the dirty clothes bags. So put them in a give-away bag. This way when you get home from Laundromat you will have a place to put your clean clothes. As you are folding the clothes at the Laundromat don’t fold things that you don’t love or that does not fit. If it is too stained to give away then put it in the trash. Have a give-away bag handy as you are doing your folding. Don’t take anything home that is just going to become a stumbling block to your daily routine of doing the laundry.

A load a day keeps you from having to scale Mount Washmore! Don’t wait till you are overwhelmed.

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No More Parents Left Behind

July 24th, 2011 by admin

No More Parents Left Behind by The FlyLady Marla Cilley

This time of year everyone is writing articles on how to get the children ready to go back to school. I know this is an important topic for you but we have left out the main person who has to get the children ready for the first day of school; YOU!

You are the one that has to get up and get the family moving each morning. It is your responsibility to make sure they go to bed and get the rest they need to have a productive day. Your summer has been filled with a happy-go-lucky spirit. No one really had a bed time or their alarm set for morning.

Then when it came to mealtime; everyone just ate whatever they could find when they got hungry. What happened to the structure in our day? What happened to our routines? If we are going to expect our children to jump on the routine bandwagon then we better be there leading the way; not just barking the orders.

We teach best by our example. Not just a simple do as I do, but an example that is set in love and from the heart. If you are not taking care of yourself; you are not going to be able to take care of your family and show them the value of routines.

Most of our lives we have run around putting out fires just to stay on top of housework, bills, jobs and the responsibilities of parenting. If you are a born organized person these things do not take a toll on you, but if you tend to get sidetracked then you know about putting out fires. A born organized person just gets things done and the people around them do not even know that it has been done. If you were raised by a born organized person you have experienced this for yourself when you got your own place. Wasn’t it a shock when the toilet started to grow things? Who knew that it was cleaned on a regular basis?

If you are this born organized person I am not putting you down. All I am saying is your children don’t know that this is what is happening. So when you tell them to go clean the bathroom or their bedroom they have no clue. Mainly because it was just easier for you to do it yourself than to show them that there actually is a routine to housecleaning and most things in life. For the other 80% of us that are not born organized there is hope! We can learn to be organized. Imagine that! Taking the methods that a born organized person does naturally and using them to help us gain control over our homes and lives and in the end give our children the tools to go out into the world on their own. Born organized people can’t even teach us sidetracked people what they do, because they have never had to figure it out; they just do it.

I have watched the people in my life that are born organized and what I have noticed is they tend to do the same thing in the same order every single morning. At first I thought that must be so boring and then I realized that it was brilliant. The brilliance comes from having the mundane things in life taken care of so you can have fun. Isn’t that what all of us really want; to have little fun. We love fun and most of the time we are having fun; except when we are beating ourselves up because the kids are late to school again because you over-slept.

It is time for us to go to school and learn something that will help us enjoy life without the guilt we place on ourselves. Our children are a reflection of what is going on in us. They feel our stress levels because of our lack of routines. If you want to see a change in your children’s behavior, please establish your routines. They will feel more secure because they will know what is next in their day.

My friend Alice Wellborn has written a great book to help you get back into your routines; No More Parents Left Behind. You can get your copy on her website. She has been a school psychologist for thirty years. This woman knows what works for our children.


When we fly by the seat of our pants and our children don’t have the consistency of routines as their foundation.  If we look closely, we may see the same behavior problems in ourselves. With school just around the corner it time to get ourselves back into our routines just to save our sanity and give our children the best education possible.

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Stop the Merry-Go-Round of Stress!

July 17th, 2011 by admin

Slow down you move too fast. We are all in such a hurry these days that we don’t take time to stop and smell the roses. We hear ourselves say “I don’t have time” yet we waste more time searching for things. If we could recoup those hours we spend each day looking for keys, shoes, socks and purses; then we would relieve most of the stress in our lives.

From the time we get up in the morning till our heads collapse on our pillows; our bodies are in a constant state of chaos. We keep doing the same things and we can’t see a way out of our stressed filled merry-go-round. Most of the time, we don’t even feel the stress because our bodies have become immune to the adrenaline.

Eventually it is our bodies the fall victim to the over-flow of adrenaline. Our immune systems go haywire. We no longer can fight off colds and our heads hurt; then we find that our muscles and joints hurt. What can we do to stop our bodies from rebelling.

Most of us have two speeds: Ninety miles per hour or dead stop. We feel invincible when we are at full throttle. We even pride ourselves at being so good at multi-tasking! The truth is that we only think we are good at doing more than one thing at a time. The reality is most things are half done and really never finished. I have a set of simple little rules that will help you get off of this horrendous carnival ride.

FlyLady’s  11 Commandments

1. Keep your sink clean and shiny!
2. Do your Before Bedtime Routine EVERY NIGHT
3. Do your Morning routine EVERY DAY, RIGHT WHEN YOU GET UP.
4. Don’t allow yourself to be sidetracked by the computer
5. Pick up after yourself. IF YOU GET IT OUT, PUT IT AWAY WHEN FINISHED
6. Don’t try to do two projects at once. ONE JOB AT A TIME.
7. Do something for yourself every day, maybe even every morning and night.
8. Work as fast as you can to get one job done. This will give you more time to play later.
9. Smile even when you don’t feel like it. It is contagious.
10. Make your mind up to be happy and you will be.
11. Pamper yourself, you deserve it.

These few simple rules will help you get rid of the stress that you feel. Post them on your refrigerator where you will see them. You deserve to have a little peace in your life. Peace begins with you!

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  • Posted in depression, Get Organized, Saving Time, Stress

A Storm’s a Brewing

July 10th, 2011 by admin

The storm is a brewing and it is not in the Caribbean; it is in your head. That storm has caused our thoughts to blow wildly in every direction and they become a vicious cycle that plays havoc with our head, homes, families and your business.

Have you ever lost your wallet and began searching for it in a frenzy? You know this feeling of not being in control and running around. The Frenzy started before you lost your wallet. The frenzy is the reason you lost your wallet in the first place. That frenzy is the storm in your head. My goal is to teach you how to calm this storm before it destroys your life, home and business.

We are such control freaks. We don’t want anyone to know that our thoughts are not under control. If people really know how chaotic your thoughts were they would know you didn’t have it together. This is why some of us can keep it together at work and our home suffers. There are others who can keep their home looking nice but their thoughts are still turmoil. The constant churning of their thoughts; keeps them feeling out of control (which they are).

I can give you all the tools to calm the storm on the outside but if you have not controlled your thoughts you are not going to feel the peace that comes with your routines. In fact you may even sabotage that peace because it feels so strange. After all we have prided ourselves in being able to juggle many balls at one time. This is not virtue; it is a cover up so that no one will really know what is going on inside your head. You think this makes you look organized when really it is only making you look like you have it all together so no one will question you.

That storm that is going on in our brains is fueled with self-doubt, perfectionism, guilt, martyrdom and shame. We are not prepared to deal with this storm so we ignore it. In fact it feels normal to us. We have always been this way. We have pushed and pushed trying to do more and more and all we ever do is get further behind and racing to catch up. We have to stop the race and get off of the track to be able to see what we are going to ourselves.

My greatest frustration comes from not being able to articulate this to you in words what will allow you to see what you are doing to yourself. I just want you to be still for a minute. This means to stop your brain from spinning and calm yourself down.

Back to that wallet being lost; that frenzy we are in causes us to make many mistakes. It is only after we stop ourselves that we are able to find it right in front of our own eyes. We had been overlooking it because when that frenzy takes over our heads we lose our senses. We can’t think, we don’t see, we are not listening and we are on guard that no one knows this is happening to us. It is our perfectionism once again but this was happening before you lost the wallet.

When I start feeling this way I have learned to recognize it pretty fast. My body has been calm for a long time. I have my routines in place to prevent this from happening to me. Occasionally this feeling will come up. Now when I am feeling like I don’t know what to do next. I stop all that I am doing and spend 5 minutes making a plan. It is when I am not prepared that this feeling happens. I take those 5 short minutes and take my foot off my accelerator and quit fueling the storm. When you remove the fuel the storm or fire will go out. HEY we can think straight instead of a vicious cycle of swirling thoughts.

It may be hard for you to recognize this storm because your life has always been in turmoil. This is why I gave you the 11 Commandments. I want you to begin to experience moments of calm so that when you are in a frenzy you will know how to get back to that moment and use it to quiet the raging winds and waves that are causing you to lose your mind.

Be Still and the peace will come. Quiet your mind by sitting down. The more you get in a hurry the worse the feeling is going to be. Slow down and set a priority to what has to be done. Do one thing at a time! Not 15 things. You can do this.

We have to get back to why you are in this frenzy in the first place though. Establishing simple routines is going to help you be prepared for the storm when it does come. These routines give you the tools to stop the frenzy before it starts. Are you dressed to shoes? Have you laid out your clothes for tomorrow? Have you eaten today? Have you had your water? Have you taken a break today? Do you have the TV on, stereo and the computer? Has the noise become more clutter in your home that keeps you from having to hear the storm in your brain?

Find your QUIET place! Take a time out for you to calm yourself and focus on what needs to be done next; Not the 15 things that are spinning in your brain. This is what you do with your quiet time; Prioritize those 15 things on a piece of paper and then you have a plan. Start with first things first and move down your list. The five minutes you spend in your quiet place will calm this storm and give you the tools to stop the wind from blowing to the land of CHAOS and
Frenzy.  You can do this. Quiet yourself!

Are you ready to FLY with a plan for preparedness in any storm of life?

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Learning to Delegate is Hard for Me

July 2nd, 2011 by admin

In 2001 we built our first website. We just needed a place to put some of our basic FlyLady System essays. Kelly and I never set out to have a website or to mentor almost a million people. We just wanted to help one person.  That one person is you.  I like to think of our first website as a one room school house. There were only a few pages. We were so excited to have a website. Each week we added a few more pages. It was sort of like the Winchester House in San Jose, California. It grew by just adding on a room at a time. Before we knew it, we needed a Google Search box to find things.

As most of you know we have been working on a new website for several months. With a website that is large as ours it takes a lot of work to restructure it. Our team has worked very hard to make this happen. Nikki hurting her back slowed us down a bit, but the health of our people is more important than a redesign of our website. Yes it does seem a bit outdated; that because we spend all our time taking care of our FlyBabies with our emails.

Our website has never been the most important part of our system. It has been the text book to help guide you. Our email messages are the power to create change in you.  Our Friends at BigTent and Federated Media have made our emails beautiful and easier to read. It won’t be long till we have a new website.

Our FlyCrew has been working hard on our new website. We will have a new website before you know it. I am so excited. They just showed it to me a couple of weeks ago and I loved everything about it. They have kept me in the dark for several months now.

I was so proud of myself for delegating this difficult job and not taking it back. Many times as a perfectionist, we won’t let go of a job because we don’t feel that anyone can do it as well as we can. I have learned that I can’t do everything. I have surrounded myself with efficient and talented people and I can’t wait to show you their creative and well designed website. I know you are going to love it as much as I do.

I would like to thank Kelly, Nikki, Stephanie, Lee and Michael for all their hard work. You are not going to believe how beautiful and well organized our new website will be. I would also like to think BigTent and Cozi for being such great partners. If you have not signed up for our emails then you are missing out on the most powerful part of our system.  www.flylady.net/pages/get_started_1.asp

Go check out our FlyLady/Cozi calendar. It will help you stay organized even when you are away from home with a busy schedule. www.flylady.net/pages/cozi.asp

Thank you all for loving us and understanding that good things are worth waiting for!

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Food, Music and Family Traditions

June 26th, 2011 by admin

Do you remember those family pot-luck get-togethers we used to have when we were little? Our aunts would cook their traditional family favorites. Our uncles would grill something to go along with all that wonderful food. There was a family rivalry for who could make the best pie! What ever happened to those wonderful family gathering? Did we get too busy?

This afternoon I had the pleasure of spending time with someone else’s family! For a couple of weeks, Jack Tinsley has been in our hometown filming what makes living in Transylvania County, North Carolina a special place to live. Jack grew up here. I had the pleasure of choosing to live here in 1994. As the finale of the two weeks of filming, Jack brought his family together for the last part of his film.

I knew back then that this was a great place to visit. When I had the opportunity to move here, I jumped in with my fishing waders. In fact I moved to Transylvania to fly fish. Over half of our county is Pisgah National Forest, The Blue Ridge Parkway, DuPont State Forest and Gorges State Park. From any point in our area you can be sitting by a stream in just a few minutes.

This year we are celebrating our sesquicentennial. Not only is this a great place to live but it is an even better place to work and build a business. Our community is supportive of people who turn their ideas into jobs for our residents. We work together to help one another.

If you are reading this essay from our local newspaper, The Transylvania Times; you are truly blessed to live in our wonderful community. If you are reading this someplace else; then take some time this summer to come join us as we celebrate our 150th Anniversary.


If you can’t make it to our neck of the woods check your local newspaper and websites to find out what is happening for your family to enjoy. Plan a pot luck get together for your family or better yet one for your neighborhood. The one thing I loved most about today was the music. Get your friends and family to bring their musical instruments. The mountain string band called Crooked Pine played for us today. I used to work for Marion at Earthshine Mountain Lodge and Frank and I worked together at the Brevard Music Center. If you get a chance, check out their music.  www.crookedpineband.com/ It is music that makes our heart sing!

When you have that pot luck, ask all those wonderful cooks to share the recipes with everyone. Today I watched as these great cooks shared the history of their favorite dish. Many of them had been handed down for generations. I got to share my Heart Attack Baked Beans with the Tinsley Family. They were a big hit!  www.flylady.net/pages/flycrew_recipes.asp

Have a safe holiday weekend! Please take some time enjoy establishing some family traditions of your own!

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  • Posted in Get Organized, Holiday, Menu Planning

Getting Our Ducks in a Row with Cozi

June 17th, 2011 by admin

I am so excited to tell you about my trip to the great Northwest. Just sit back and visualize 18,000 yellow rubber ducks in a row and one purple one. The row of ducks was over a mile long through a park by a beautiful lake with Mount Reiner in the background. We had the most fun lining up these ducks to set a Guinness World Record. The best part was seeing the children of all ages get involved in the process.  I can honestly say that I got my Ducks in a Row with our Cozi Family in Seattle.

As the Momma Duck of your family it is sometime hard to get all your baby ducks in a row behind you. At times it feels more like you are herding cats instead of taking care of your family. We can help you get rid of the stress when it comes to keeping up with a busy family’s schedule.

We joined forces with a family focused company called Cozi. I first learned about Cozi when Kelly and Tom started using this great online calendar to keep up with the class schedules of their college students and the activities of a pre-schooler. One of the best parts of the Cozi calendar was Tom could add items to the grocery list without having to hunt all over the house for it. Even if Kelly was already at the grocery store the items showed up immediately on the list.

Kelly was using her phone to access her family’s Cozi Calendar. It makes it so easy to make appointments when you are at the doctor’s office. Many of our members have been begging for a calendar that would go with them. Cozi was an answer to gap between FlyLady Wall Calendar and when you need to schedule an appointment.

Now you still need a FlyLady Wall Calendar so you can teach your children how to actually use and depend on a calendar to keep chaos away. Children love counting off the days in anticipation to special occasion. This is how they learn the days of the week and your family’s Basic Weekly Plan.

As Kelly and I began using our Cozi Calendar, we saw the potential for implementing some of our FlyLady system straight into your Cozi Calendar. We have our FlyLady Daily Missions, our Detailed Cleaning List and our Zone for the week.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have your ducks in a row too! You can do this so easily. Just go to our website; www.flylady.net/pages/cozi.asp and sign up! It is FREE!

Are you ready to FLY with the two best calendars for a busy family helping you keep your ducks in a row?

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