At least K-Fed can write

November 16th, 2006


Kevin Federline left a romantic love message on the shower door of his dressing room at the House of Blues in Chicago just one day after Britney announced the big divorce:

Today I’m a free man
Ladies look out
Kevin Federline
Fuck a wife
Give me my kids

I can only imagine how this scene went down. K-Fed, decked out in his white dinner jacket, setting down his champagne and caviar to leave Britney a message. One member of his posse–wearing a fancy monocle and smoking a cigarette with one of those long holders–telling him to hurry up because they have orchestra seats to Les Miserables on Broadway–the others engaged in a heated debate over whether hunting foxes is more enjoyable than quail. Good times all around.

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5 Responses to “At least K-Fed can write”

  1. shannon says:
    November 16th, 2006 at 12:12 pm |

    What a loser! These are the antics of an eighth grade girl! By the way, is he referring to his two children with Shar Jackson or just the two with Britney? The “meal tickets”. He has more of a chance of winning a billion dollar lottery than getting those kids. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.

  2. Myranda says:
    November 16th, 2006 at 6:25 pm |

    What a fooser. He should get killed because even though Britney hasn’t won the “Parent of the Year” award, she’s a hell of a better parent that dumbass K-Fed. What a joke.

  3. jagaimo says:
    November 17th, 2006 at 7:55 am |

    give you the kids??? are you NUTS???

  4. Big Mac says:
    November 17th, 2006 at 6:35 pm |

    Wow, so Cletus can write? He’s evolved to the level of the primates. Way to go Cletus! You are an inspiration to yokels everywhere! Poor guy, he was living every straight man’s dream. Banging Britney Spears and this dumbass blows it!

  5. Big Mac says:
    November 17th, 2006 at 6:36 pm |

    He forgot to say Papozao and Y’all ain’t ready!

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