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Reflections on NaBloPoMo
12th of November, 2006

spacer Since NaBloPoMo started, I’ve spent quite a bit of time exploring new-to-me blogs. This has been made so much easier because of the NaBloPoMo Ramdomizer by Pink Elephants. There is some great writing out there and there is so many blogs that I don’t come across. My Bloglines feed list has expanded considerably.

This brings me conveniently to the topic of feeds: some blogs don’t have them or they don’t function properly. Come on, bloggers, feeds are good for you! In the good old days (i.e. 2003 -2005), I would come into work each day early to manually click through the list of blogs that I follow to find out if they’d written or not. These days, I just log into my Bloglines account and I know who’s updated. Saves a great deal of time and allows me to follow more blogs. So, if you’re a blogger and aren’t sure if your feed works properly: sign up at Bloglines, subscribe to your own feed and see if it updates. Feeds are good!

As part of the NaBloPoMo month, some wonderful souls have decided to visit all and review some of the blogs. As there is a huge number of blogs participating (check out the list ), they have split up the task alphabetically. Suzanne from CUSS and Other Rants visited my blog and was very positive about it. Yay, she liked it! She’s also done the monumental task of visiting blogs whose titles start with H, I and J. She has promised to get to L next week, as it’s quite a monumental list. I look forward to her review and a chance to check out more blogs.

It’s been easier than I thought it would be to post every day. There’s been plenty to post about and I’ve had a few things building up in my head for a while, so this has been a great opportunity to finally write them down. It is, however, time consuming. I would like to maintain this after November, but I think we all know that it can’t really happen.

    Archived in Comp and 'Net

One Response to “Reflections on NaBloPoMo”

  1. Luis Says:
    November 18th, 2006 at 03:23

    Well, if I may be allowed to blow my own horn, I’ve been posting every day for 40 months now, since August 2, 2003. Sometimes it’s difficult, either for logistic reasons (travel, international date lines, staying in places with no Internet connections) or for more mundane writer’s reasons (”I blogged on that already,” nothing in the news, or simple old writer’s block).

    Keep it up!

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