Sunday, November 19
Always choose a book over a movie

I will keep this short and to the point Running with Scissors the book is WAYYYYYYYYYYY better than Running with Scissors the Movie.

Read the book. Skip the movie. The best part of the movie was the very end when there is a shot of the real Augusten Burroughs sitting next to the actor who played him in the movie.

I wonder if Augusten liked the way the movie came out. Annette Benning was fantastic as were all the actors but somehome what is a riviting book to me was only a mildly entertaining movie. Good think I like to read.

Now can whoever has be two Augusten Burroughs books please return them. Where there are I have no idea. I might have to buy them again. Yes, they were that good.

Category: books
| 12:00 AM | Comments (0) |
Saturday, November 18
My weekend (so far) in Numbers

Friday and Saturday in numbers:

1 annual exam - clean bill of health - final blood sugar numbers next week
1 indecisive trip to the hair salon
eyebrows waxed; hair trimmed- just to clean up the back and get rid of what someone affectionately called my "mini-mullett"
1 trip to the bank
1 new (new to us) TV picked up
45 minutes in Home Depot....waiting our turn....
.....8 new blinds (the old ones were sooo gross)
8 windows cleaned 8 windows vaguely wiped down with plans to be cleaned another day
2 movies seen...Babel and Running with Scissors ~ commentary to follow
120 minutes visiting 2 nanas
3 dog walks

spacer - Entry Day 18

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Category: life at home
| 12:38 PM | Comments (0) |
Thursday, November 16
All Hail LL Bean Customer Service

I love LL Bean. I am not even going to go into how much I love their clothes because they are basics and basics are what I live by. I am not going to mention that they have so many different things in fleece that it makes my head spin in a fantastic way. I am not going to talk about how dangerous it is to my budget that they have opened a store near me. I am even going to talk about how their lifetime return policy is so phenomenal that you can return something years later and they will replace it. But I am going to talk about the absolutely wonderful, friendly, cheering oh so efficient and always on the ball customer service.

I recently ordered these sunglasses for my husband for his birthday.

Because they are a birthday gift I had them shipped to my parent’s house. LL Bean customer service is SO outstanding that they called me today to make sure that that was the correct address because (1) they had never seen me ship anything to this address before and wanted to make sure it was right, and (2) because I indicated I wanted a bow they thought it might be a gift and did not want to send it to the wrong place and by chance ruin what might be a surprise.

All hail to LL Bean. I am seriously thinking of switching my credit card to LL Bean. I wonder if I get LL Bean points for a balance transfer? Hmmmm….

What's your favorite clothing store and why?

spacer - Entry Day 16

Category: randomness
| 03:32 PM | Comments (6) |
Wednesday, November 15
A few words of wisdom for me to heed

A few words of wisdom that I am working on heeding in my own life. The first two were seen over at Kathzoofus

"The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of your state of mind." -Dr. Wayne Dyer

"Anything in life that we don't accept will simply make trouble for us until we make peace with it." -Shakti Gawain

This third one is courtesy of Simon and Garfunkel:

"Slow down, you move too fast.
You got to make the morning last.

Just kicking down the cobble stones.
Looking for fun and feelin' groovy.
Hello lamppost,
What cha knowing?
I've come to watch your flowers growing.
Ain't cha got no rhymes for me?
Doot-in' doo-doo,
Feelin' groovy.

Got no deeds to do,

No promises to keep.
I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep.
Let the morning time drop all its petals on me.
Life, I love you,
All is groovy. "

What are some words you think that you should follow? A quote. Song lyrics. Something someone once told you long ago?

spacer - Entry Day 15

| 10:01 PM | Comments (2) |
Tuesday, November 14
The Slanket

Dear Crissy wrote about this thing called a Slanket on her blog. I think it is the.most.amazing.thing.ever. It's made of fleece and I can "wear it" (at least around the house) and use it in bed. What a phenominal idea.

Taken directly from The Slanket Site:

What the slanket is NOT!!
It is not a poncho!
It is not a Robe!!!!
There is no hole for your head!!!
Its design is simplistic and practical: It is a very large and comfortable blanket for you to wrap up in, but with sleeves, making it better than your normal blanket. It can take the place of any blanket used around the house.

This one is going on my Christmas list for sure.

spacer - Entry Day 14

Category: fun things
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