Anne Colvin

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Vladimar & Rosa, 2011 (video)

Fictional dance company

Vladimar and Rosa’s first imagined performance took place in San Francisco’s old Greyhound Bus Station. A hybrid dance installation influenced by experimental film strategies plays out as fragments of movement, color and gesture, breaking new ground in an exciting mix of life-size collage with performance. (A tumblr site follows the process from rehearsals to final perfomance).

The Kids Play Russian, 2011
Three-channel or single channel video, continuous loop, dimensions variable.

Moments in time are compressed within each frame — monumental in their own right — bearing the residue of sound and choreographic phrases. Ripped apart found dance footage combines with cut-out shapes, re-photographed and deconstructed to the point of non-existence. Playing with the architecture of projected space, two black screens extend the loop.

Plotter Prints, MDF, 60 x 72 inches.


The large-scale panels act as set remnants from the imaginary performance, a collage of live and paper elements. In this iteration they hover suspended somewhere between sculpture and set. Lined up one behind the other they are experienced as a waiting-in-the wings reality. The tears, raw edges and tack marks echo the fragility and fleeting nature of the bodies in motion.

(The film is viewed as  a single channel installation in this iteration). is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.