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Documentation for Hosted Sites

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What is this dBMonkey I keep hearing about?

dB = Database. dB = Decibels. And the monkey is a symbol for social things and also a tool, e.g. "monkey wrench".

dBMonkey is an event-oriented database and software with tons of features for your website, email newsletters, blog, myspace, and more. All of the features are integrated so you can, for example, auto-include your calendar in your myspace pages and email newsletters (no more copy/paste), auto-post each email newsletter to your website's blog, and so on.

The data is shared and automatically distributed, so you save time not having to type information that's already been entered by other users, and accuracy is ensured for all because the possibility of human error is greatly reduced. There are different benefits for each type of user. If you're an event promoter, for example, your event data is copied to news/media sources as well as the venues, record labels, booking agents, performers, etc. If you're a performer, there's a potential for some or all of your calendar to be pre-filled for you, but you can still customize with your own personal descriptions, images, etc, and you can enter your tour dates even for venues that aren't (yet) powered by dBMonkey.

dBMonkey is a social network, too, as you can see from the list of people currently using it (updated frequently). It is constantly growing and evolving, many of the ideas for new features coming directly from the users. Their (your?) ideas make the software grow, and their data entry makes the database grow. Everyone benefits because, again, the database and software features are shared. In the future the benefits will be extended to the people who actually attend your events. They will be able to pull any event into their own personal calendar, get reminders and notifications about their favorite performers, write their own reviews and have the opinions of others sorted to match their own tastes, and many more grassroots type ideas like those.

And finally, dBMonkey is a service. Our services include: Hosting, Web Design, Custom Software Development, and Consulting.

Click here for full details re: why you need dBMonkey

All of the following are powered by and/or
hosted by and/or designed by dBMonkey:

Black Elk
Cotton Jenny
Diamond Tuck & The Privates
DJ Donny Don't
The Maykers
Nationwide Guarantee
No Kind of Rider
Pink Snowflakes
Power of County
Sam Henry

Nanotear Booking Agency

Beloved Festival
Portland Folk Festival

BarFly Magazine
Bubba's Monkey (soon) (soon)
Portland Restaurant Guide (soon)
Willamette Week

Bazaar of the Bizarre
CD Forge
Chariots of Rubber
Sam Henry Drums
Tigard Library
Wanderlust Circus

Jedediah Presents
Lisa Lowery Booking
Mike Thrasher Presents
Monqui Presents
MzChief Productions
Nanotear PDX aka DJ Nate C
Noah Mickens
Runaway Productions
Square Peg Concerts
Zach's Books Presents

Aladdin Theater
Ash Street Saloon
Boon's Treasury
Chapel Pub
Cornelius Pass Roadhouse
Crystal Ballroom
Devils Point
Duff's Garage
East End
Ella St. Social Club
Fire on the Mountain
Goodfoot Lounge/Pub
Gotham Tavern
Grand Lodge
Ground Kontrol
Hawthorne Theatre
Hotel Oregon
Kelly's Olympian
Kennedy School
The Know
Lola's Room
Mission Theater
Mississippi Pizza
Mississippi Studios
Old St Francis School
Olympic Club
Papa G's Vegan Organic Deli
Plan B
Portland Center for the Performing Arts
The Red Room
Rock Creek Tavern
Roseland Theater & Peter's Room
Sand Trap
Someday Lounge
The Tonic Lounge NEW!
Towne Lounge
Twilight Café and Bar
White Eagle
Whiskey City Rock Bar
Wonder Ballroom

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