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New Media, Art, Culture, Theory

Extra: we have 4 job positions for makers of: exhibitions, applications, communications, websites.

Mediamatic is a cultural institution in Amsterdam. We do exhibitions, presentations, workshops and other activities in Amsterdam and internationally. This site gives you an overview combined with news and theory. The site is edited automatically with anyMeta. It matches the topical with heritage in a sometimes fuzzy, but always surprising way. Just to get you started, there's a list of recent contributions below.

Recent contributions:
Mateusz Herczka 

Enhanced Benches

Furniture made active with biochemistry

spacer A new project by Mateusz Herczka proposes a new line of furniture for the homes, outdoors, public spaces and institutions
Christopher Helt 


Hardcore will never die.

spacer Review- Het 'Rock'n'Rave' gabber-chaosduo Aux Raus gaf recentelijk een optreden tijdens de Audio Drive van Sasker Scheerder op de parkeerplaats van het Post CS gebouw, georganiseerd door Mediamatic. "Iedereen zal feesten." De hoax van het nieuwe gabbergevoel.
Paul Groot 

Béjart of Beethoven

of hoe gevouwen lichamen de zware schuld van de Val van de Mens moeten dragen

spacer Over Hell, een dansvoorstelling van Emio Greco | PC
Willem Velthoven 

It is too much. Stop killing and destroying Lebanon for "security"

Israel should stop NOW. The international community should stop Israel NOW.

spacer August 1, 2006. It's three weeks now that the state of Israel is involved in this "war". The Israeli government says they are forced to do this. It is necessary to achieve "security" for their country. Every child can spot the error. They make everyone in the neighbourhood hate their guts (even more). That is fundamentally bad for security. How stupid can a nation be?
Volker Grassmuck 


Japanese Kids colonize the Realm of Information and Media

spacer The rise of the Otaku generation is one of the most striking phenomena of contemporary Japan. In Mediamatic Volume 5, issue 3, Gabin Itoh, editor of the Japanese magazine Log In already mentioned the game Otaku, children lost to everyday life by their fanatical enthusiasm for all manner of different computer games in which they immerse themselves totally.
Paul Groot 

Blackwater Fever

The Agony and the Mysticism of a Metrosexual Astray

spacer Cyrus Frisch and Roeland Fernhout in a dazzling embrace.
Willem Velthoven 

Symbolic Table: 100% interface-free media player

Mediamatic Atelier RFID project. Not only for children and geriatrics.

spacer Symbolic Table is an interface-free media player. A cultural tool for those who want to work with media without any hassle. It is not an appliance, but a simple table. There are no buttons, no knobs. If you put something on the table, then the table will play the video (or the sound) that goes with that object. The object is a symbol for sound or image. If you take the object off, the...
Sasker Scheerder 

de Booglamp

voor hofdames en andere doeleinden

spacer De booglamp is de oudste electrische lichtbron en was in gebruik als verlichting voor openbare ruimtes en grote gebouwen vanaf het eerste kwartaal van de 19de eeuw tot ongeveer het begin van de 20ste. Rond die tijd raakte hij in onbruik door de opkomst van het gaslicht en de gloeilamp.
Eric Wie 

Stofzuiger en tennissport

wat is relatie tussen beide?

spacer Eric Wie ziet een relatie tussen de uitvinding van de stofzuiger en de opkomst van de tennnissport
Paul Groot 


Mieke Gerritzen

Review- Our public spaces are subordinate to an increasingly unequivocal picture. The torrents of present-day traffic – those of speedy car drivers to those of hurried air passengers - particularly require rapid, transparent information enabling efficient reaction.
Esma Moukhtar 

Another Claudie Day

Claudie de Cleen

Review- Could the girls get up first and put on their coats? As soon as the headmaster utters the word I feel a tingle in my stomach. 'The girls', that sounds delightful. I think he is in love with the girls, the whole lot, and I'm part of the group.
Inge Willems 

Adynda or size does matter

Young-hae Chang Heavy Industries

Review- A short road movie through Amsterdam in rhythmic blocks of text. Three protagonists: a nameless Asian man behind the wheel, a female concubine called Adynda and the illicit city of Amsterdam with its many canals, streets and houses without curtains.
Arie Altena 



Review- In 1999 Morse was abolished as an official communication language. The last message that the French marine sent was: Calling all. This is our last call before eternal silence. And since then, Morse is a dead language, or at least, officially a dead language.
Willem Velthoven 

Media make normal people like me ANGRY

spacer Actually, de Volkskrant had an exellent "comic war" analysis by green left MP Naima Azough. The image was put right above it. In all it's daemonising glory. A shouting islamic man in black religious dress directing his invisible followers towards the already burning building. Unless you had read the caption of the same image in NRC the monday before...
Willem Velthoven 

Non - Recommended Blog: Neandernews

Credit where credit's due. Even when it's a right wing blogger.

spacer Danish imams lobbyed with spiritual leaders in arabic countries to protest against the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten publishing cartoons depicting the prophet Muhammad. They used more than the published cartoons only.
Willem Velthoven 

How to make drawings with the Prophet Muhammad

Stay-out-of-trouble tips for the ignorant Cartoonist

spacer It's not so difficult to avoid making images of Muhammad and still have clear and effective visual communication.

Reader for Machinima Workshop

spacer Theoretical readings 3D Game-Based Filmmaking: The Art of Machinima (2004) By Paul Marino The industry bible for emerging Machinima filmmakers. It covers the latest technology in filmmaking, from the history of Machinima, who the major players are, and where the Machinima movement is going. By providing numerous hands-on projects, including topics on developing actors, preparing...
Lonneke Theelen, lennart sakowsky, thomas pletzinger, Klaas Kuitenbrouwer 

After the Impakt Festival @ Utrecht

spacer During the Utrecht Impakt-Festival 2005 a beautiful but deserted 13-story office building on Oudenoord was the inspiring site of one of Mediamatic’s workshops on database narratives. On the fourth floor Mediamatic set up its mobile workshop stuff.
Antje Leonty 

club transmediale

February 3 -11, 2006

spacer Review- CTM (club|transmediale), the Berlin festival for adventurous music and related visual arts reanimates and re-incarnates the quickset clichés of ‘electronic’ and ‘digital’ in art, music and club culture from the 3rd to the 11th of February.
Tom McCarthy 

City of Cards

We had decided that I should arrive by sea. Amsterdam has always been a port, so entering it this way had a certain logic, given my brief. It was anything but practical, though: from Turin I had to fly to Hamburg, then to take a train to Bremen, where I boarded a boat that bobbed along the coast, cut down through Rotterdam, then chugged and rattled on to A20. Nor did this method of approach...
Amsterdam, Mediamatic

Blogjects Lecture

by Julian Bleecker

17November2006 spacer
18:00 hours: The physical and the digital world are fusing, according to Julian Bleecker. An internet of things is evolving from objects that are capable of communicating about what is going on in the space around them: blogjects, wearables, smartifacts- things like your car knowing where you go, your fridge knowing what you eat and your phone knowing who you talk to.
Amsterdam, Mediamatic

Night Garden and Micro-Green Restaurant

03November2006>07January2007 spacer
Exhibition - Night Garden, sub-technical indoor garden, links new technology, next nature, contemporary art and its consumption. And you can have a really great dinner as well! Open Thurs / Frid / Sat from 6 - 11 pm
Amsterdam, Mediamatic

Eat + drink at Night Garden

Every thu-fri-sat from 6pm on

03November2006>07January2007 spacer
Project, Exhibition - Grow yer own dang Food: kiem cuisine project by Debra Solomon. What do you get? potato mash truffle potato mash pumpkin mash onion marmelade ginger crackling and plenty of sprout and cress for only 10 euro
Amsterdam, Mediamatic

Workshop Any Media Documentary @ IDFA

Mediamatic - IDFA 2006

25November2006>30November2006 spacer
Workshop - Makers of creative documentaries need to come to terms with an explosion of existing new media channels and practices, in terms of conceiving, producing as well as publishing documentary projects.
Amsterdam, Mediamatic

Make your own 15 euro robot workshop

Electronic know-how is not required!

09December2006>10December2006 spacer
Workshop - Mediamatic is organizing a two day workshop in which you solder a miniature autonomous robot. 9th and 10th of December 2006
Amsterdam, Mediamatic

RFID and the Internet of Things

14 | 15 | 16 November @ Mediamatic

14November2006>16November2006 spacer
Workshop - RFID & The Internet of Things is a workshop for a maximum of 16 designers and artists who want to learn more about RFID and its possible effects and uses.
Amsterdam, Mediamatic

Mediamatic Salon

November 13, 2006

13November2006 spacer
Salon - Presentations by Nir Nadler and Chris O'Shea, and the results of the Machinima Contest 2006.
Amsterdam, Mediamatic

Make your own Wearable Workshop

smart clothing for smart users

10November2006>12November2006 spacer
Workshop - Tiny chips, cheap sensors and the possibilities of emerging smart fabrics, conductive yarns and cheap wireless communication (bluetooth or even rfid) make wearables easier and cheaper to make.

Mediamatic shop

spacer Buy now the new Mediamatic Off-line! The magazine has been enriched with a dvd, with video work by Meggie Schneider, Gerald van der Kaap, Vanessa Beecroft, Mieke Gerritzen, Mai Ueda, JODI, Young-hae Chang Heavy Industries and others.
Amsterdam, Mediamatic

Wearables Fashion Show

buzzing clicking blinking dress

12November2006 spacer
The participants of the Arduino Wearables workshop will present their final results for the general public. Interactive clothing articles or wearable switches, come and see what was created.


Mediamatic Exhibition Babysitter

spacer Mediamatic is looking for someone to take care of her exhibitions. Hours: Thursday - Sunday, 1PM to 5PM. With a small financial compensation.

Beamer, Laptop, Space Rental

Powerbook rental, Data projector rental, Space rental

The Mediamatic foundation rents out space and equipment in support of cultural activities, presentations or workshops. In the center of Amsterdam, close to Central Station and the Ring road and with lots of parking space in the vicinity. You can simply rent a projector for an evening or a whole week, or a seminar room with catering, fast internet connection, presentation equipment and...

Mediamatic Job Openings

Work with us

Mediamatic is looking for interesting people who would like to work with us. We design w
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