Looking for Front End Developers

We really need you.

Rocket Lift Inc., a small, fast growing website and web software development company, is seeking help:

  • Web Developer — If you have the passion and the skill to build impressive, user-friendly interfaces, then girl/boy are we the place for you. Sharpen your HTML, CSS, Javascript, and PHP skills. Fight for the user.

We’re seeking both freelance contractors and team members!

Strong communication skills, flexibility to work remotely, and awesomeness are a must. (Not kidding. Can you impress us with your mad skills?)

Residence in Portland, Oregon preferred.


Hit up our contact form to tell us a little about yourself and what’s wrong with our website.

By: Matthew Eppelsheimer

Categories: current openings

Internship Opportunities

We need you.

Rocket Lift Inc., a small, fast growing website and web software development company, is seeking two interns:

  • Graphic Design — We are more code monkeys than designers.* You may have noticed we can use a little help on the visual front. Flex your design chops, build your portfolio, and lead us to more beautiful vistas.
  • Web Developer — If you have the passion and the skill to build impressive, user-friendly interfaces, then girl/boy are we the place for you. Sharpen your HTML, CSS, Javascript, and PHP skills. Fight for the user.

These unpaid internships will turn into full-time opportunities for the right folk. Build your skills and grow with our exciting, fun team!

Strong communication skills, flexibility to work remotely, and awesomeness are a must. (Not kidding. Can you impress us with your mad skills?)

Residence in Portland, Oregon preferred.


Hit up our contact form to tell us a little about yourself and what’s wrong with our website.


*Some of us are graphic designers, but they’re busy programming, too.

By: Matthew Eppelsheimer

Categories: Uncategorized

KRTConf Sponsorship = We So Excited

I’m thrilled to announce that we’re sponsoring the first ever Keeping it Realtime Conference! We’ll be storming the Left Bank Annex on November 7th and 8th armed with video equipment, curious brains, and a mission to share whatever happens with the world.

This is a great opportunity for Rocket Lift in several ways. First, we get to soak up knolwedge from brilliant colleagues who use their ninja powers to make the web better. (Have you seen the presenter list!?)

Second, we’ve been enjoying working with other software makers in a supportive role*, and we hope to do more of the same. KRTConf is a great opportunity for us to network, introduce our little startup to a community we really admire, and show off some video skills.

Third, we get to give a little back to open source culture. ’Nuff said.

Finally, KRTConf is an opportunity to hang out with some damn good friends. The conference organizers at &yet, and many on the attendees list, are some of my favorite people. These are caring, generous, hilarious, and fun nerdfolk who write cutting edge code, school most of us in design, and go out of their way to foster community near and far. It’ll be awesome to be among them IRL.


You should go.

If you’re a web developer who wants to be a better web developer, why you’re waiting to claim a ticket is a good question.

See you there!

Check our our event page for a bit more, or skip to conference HQ.

* I can’t talk about it yet, but watch this blog for a clue to what I’m talking about.

By: Matthew Eppelsheimer

Categories: krtconf

Like the arrow that springs from the bow

“All my life, I have had doubts about who I am, where I belong. Now I’m like the arrow that springs from the bow. No hesitation, no doubts. The path is clear.”

— Jeffrey Sinclair, Babylon 5

By: Matthew Eppelsheimer

Categories: Uncategorized

Coming Soon

This website is so awesomely new, it doesn’t even completely exist yet!

By: Matthew Eppelsheimer

Categories: Uncategorized