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spacer Corti Cooper is a seasoned yogi based out of Stamford, Connecticut whose passion for yoga has led her to the art of sharing yoga with others. A YogaWorks Certified Teacher, Corti’s classes are breath centered combined with intelligent sequencing and creative flow. Each class integrates multiple inversions focusing on learning the inverted poses safely in order to gain many benefits. Her style is influenced by the classic poses Ashtanga, the alignment of Iyengar and the expression of dance. Known for her sense of humor and energy, Corti’s flows are invigorating and fun while focusing on moving from the core, both of the body and self.

Corti is grateful for her many teachers as well as the celebrated modern yoga teachers, Krishnamacharya, Desikachar, Sri Pattabi Jois and Iyengar. She is certified to teach Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga as taught by Sadie Nardini and regularly assists Sadie in her transformative yoga immersions. Corti is also studying yoga anatomy under Leslie Kaminoff at The Breathing Project in NYC.

Corti’s has a background in art and design and is currently the Principal of Dot Think Designs, a branding and design company which focuses on the wellness and lifstyle industries. Her style, like her yoga, uses clean and clear composition while incorporating elements of space and freedom.


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    • @FlyingYogini Are you coming to @TadasanaFestival? Fingers crossed.
    • The dog was stalking the cat. They both ended up on the coffee table. Chilling.
    • RT @SevaSouleYoga: Breathe, flow, and fly with @FlyingYogini on her new website! by the lovely @corticoop :) #yoga ... is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.