Selectively Updating Statistics

Posted by Mike Hillwig
February 3, 2012

Most blogs should have a disclaimer that your mileage may vary. That’s not the case here. I can assure you that your mileage will vary. Test this before you run it against your 12 TB production data warehouse.

I recently inherited a few servers that have autoupdate of statistics disabled. That’s a long story. Β In other cases, we want to manually update statistics because it may take a quite some time for SQL Server to detect that it has stale statistics. We were running a script that updates all statistics across all indexes on all tables in all databases. And it was taking forever.

One day it hit me.

We’re running Michelle Ufford‘s script to reorganize and rebuild indexes. What if we could do the same for statistics? Why were we forcing the update of statistics on a static table? With a little bit of help from a script that Kendra Little wrote, I was able to put together a process that will dynamically update statistics only where needed. And we added a little more logic to set the sample rate as well. For small tables, doing a full scan makes more sense. But for large tables, this a smaller sample size is needed.

A lot of the values are hard coded here and should be moved to parameters. Maybe in the next version. This thing looks for five percent or 1000 rows, whichever comes first. It works in my environment. Your mileage will vary.


-- Dynamic Database Statistics Update
 -- Created: Mike Hillwig
 -- 01/26/2012
create table #statsmaint
 (databasename varchar(100),
 schemaname varchar(100),
 tablename varchar(100),
 indexname varchar(100),
 rowsupdated int,
 totalrows int)
--- Stats calculation adapted from Kendra Little's script found at
exec sp_msforeachdb 'use ?;
 INSERT #statsmaint
 , tablename=object_name(i.object_id)
 , si.rowmodctr
 , si.rowcnt
 FROM sys.indexes i (nolock)
 JOIN sys.objects o (nolock) on
 JOIN sys.schemas s (nolock) on
 o.schema_id = s.schema_id
 JOIN sys.sysindexes si (nolock) on
 and i.index_id=si.indid
 STATS_DATE(i.object_id, i.index_id) is not null
 and o.type <> ''S''
 and (si.rowmodctr > 1000 OR cast(si.rowmodctr as float) / cast (si.rowcnt+1 as float) > .05)
 and ''?'' <> ''tempdb''
 order by si.rowmodctr desc'
DECLARE @v_dbname varchar(100)
 DECLARE @v_schemaname varchar(100)
 DECLARE @v_tablename varchar(100)
 DECLARE @v_indexname varchar(100)
 DECLARE @v_SQL varchar(1000)
 DECLARE @v_rowsupdated int
 DECLARE @v_percentscan varchar (10)
 DECLARE @v_totalrows int
 DECLARE c_statistics CURSOR FOR
 SELECT databasename, schemaname, tablename, indexname, rowsupdated, totalrows
 FROM #statsmaint
OPEN c_statistics
 FETCH NEXT FROM c_statistics INTO @v_dbname, @v_schemaname, @v_tablename, @v_indexname, @v_rowsupdated, @v_totalrows
 WHILE (@@fetch_status <> -1)
 IF (@@fetch_status <> -2)
SELECT @v_percentscan = '100' where @v_totalrows <= 50000
 SELECT @v_percentscan = '75' WHERE @v_totalrows BETWEEN 50000 AND 1000000
 SELECT @v_percentscan = '50' WHERE @v_totalrows BETWEEN 1000000 AND 10000000
 SELECT @v_percentscan = '25' where @v_totalrows > 10000000
select @v_SQL = 'UPDATE STATISTICS ' + @v_dbname + '.' + @v_schemaname + '.' + @v_tablename + ' ' + @v_indexname + ' WITH SAMPLE ' + @v_percentscan + ' PERCENT --' + cast (@v_rowsupdated as varchar) + ' OF ' + cast(@v_totalrows as varchar) + ' ROWS UPDATED. STARTED ' + cast(current_timestamp as varchar)
 print @v_sql
 exec (@v_sql)
 FETCH NEXT FROM c_statistics INTO @v_dbname, @v_schemaname, @v_tablename, @v_indexname, @v_rowsupdated, @v_totalrows
CLOSE c_statistics
 DEALLOCATE c_statistics
drop table #statsmaint
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