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Find My Games

The following is a list of the games I have currently in publication. If you’re looking for information on Addict, Homecoming: One Soldier’s Story, Knife & Candle, THEY BECAME FLESH, or any of my other works-in-progress, please subscribe to my blog for updates.


spacer Blowback is a game where you play spies blacklisted after a job goes awry, and the people who care about them. You can play this game with 3-5 people, and while playing it as a single game session is fun, it’s designed for long term play.  It’s heavily inspired by the American television show Burn Notice and movies like the Bourne trilogy. As much as Blowback is about pyrotechnics and car chases, it’s a fish-out-of-water premise: spies stranded without their agency, normal people swept up in intrigue. And, like all multiplayer games, it’s about relationships— how much can you ask of someone, how much can you disappoint them before they turn their back on you?

76 pages, full color, 9×7″. Wholesale and retailer discounts available with minimum order; comment or email for details.

PDF $10.00 USD
Book + Shipping in US $33.00 USD
Book + Shipping Internationally $36.00 USD





“The rules are like this, see: you kids have thirty minutes, that’s it. At the end of that time, two of you had better be left standing, and you’d better have found the cash.  If more than two of you are alive, everybody dies. If just one person is alive, that person dies. If two people make it but haven’t found the bag, well, they die too. There should be some weapons around the house. Oh, don’t try to escape, or you’ll die. See you in twenty-nine minutes.”

7-page PDF, 8.5” x 11”, perfect for printing. Murderland is a fun game which uses the game board and materials from the classic board game CLUE, and plays in less than 45 minutes. Murder your friends and find the cash before the Syndicate slaughters you all.

PDF only: $5.



It’s Complicated Revised

Do you like stories about happy, functional, well-adjusted people who fall in love with the right people, say the right things, and live happily ever after?

If so, this is definitely not the game for you.

It’s Complicated is a about personality quirks, secrets both dark and embarrassing– but most of all, it’s about convoluted, messy, compelling, and occasionally one-sided relationships.

40 pages, full color, 4.25″ x 7″, perfect bound softcover.

$20. Wholesale and retailer discounts available with minimum order.

PDF: $10. is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.