



We all want greater happiness, love, and wisdom.

To support you on your path, I’ve gathered tools and information from psychology, brain science, and the contemplative traditions. These are offered freely here to help reduce stress, sorrow, fear, and anger; to promote well-being and personal growth; and – if this is of interest to you – to deepen your own chosen spiritual practice.

You’ll find a wide range of resources, such as step-by-step instructions for weaving good experiences into your brain and your self, talks and slide sets from my workshops, guided meditations, advice for a sticky conversation with someone you love, links to great books and websites, and key scientific papers.

May these benefit you, and in widening ripples, our world so full of promise and peril!

My latest book is Just One Thing: Developing a Buddha Brain One Simple Practice at a Time. In Just One Thing, I present 52 powerful yet down-to-earth ways (practices) to build up a “buddha brain” for more peace of mind in stressful times, greater inner strength and confidence, and an unshakeable sense of contentment and worth. The practices are grounded in modern neuroscience, positive psychology, and my background in the very real world of business and raising a family. Each bite-size chapter introduces a new practice, explains why it’s important, and shows you how to do it. I loved writing this book and hope you enjoy it.

spacer I’m also the author of Buddha’s Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom. Grounded in science, it will show you how to use your mind to change your brain to benefit your whole being – for if you can change your brain, you can change your life.

Newsletter Signup

And I offer a free weekly e-newsletter, also called “Just One Thing,” which suggests a simple practice in each short-and-to-the-point issue that will bring you more joy, more fulfilling relationships, and more peace of mind and heart. These practices are generally not in my book and they frequently focus on things that will improve relationships.

Please subscribe with your email address – which I will never share with anyone – to start receiving this newsletter.

With many good wishes,


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