

Click to find out about our low pricing, unconditional guarantee, and simple steps to get a custom Testmonial Marketing Engine working for you.

Try Us Out

If you want to learn more about testiBOONials before ordering, you should try us out.

Just fill out the form below and you'll be taken to a testimonials collections-page URL for a testiBOONials account that's been set up to immediately publish submitted testimonials.

Here you can submit video (using your web cam), audio (using your computer microphone or telephone), or text/photo (via an online form) --- and then immediately view your submission on the testiBOONials public-page URL.

By trying us out you'll see how easy we've made it for your customers to submit video, audio, and text/photo testimonials -- and how quickly new submissions are processed and posted.

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Darin Spindler - Green Bay, WI

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saying about testiBOONials

Discover how to make your marketing

1000 times more effective

... with NO additional work ...
other than the time it take to ask your customers one simple question

What is that one question?

"Would you be willing to provide us with a
comment about our product/service?"

Every marketing pro knows the MOST valuable of ALL sales tools is the testimonial (see Value). Sadly, most companies don't have enough of them, and those that do, don't use them effectively.

To get testimonials, you need to provide exceptional products and service --- but, you also need to ask for them.

Then, once you ask, you need to me make it dead simple for your customers to provide their comments -- and for your prospects to view them.

That's where we come in. testiBOONials simplifies the collection and posting of testimonials -- video, audio, text & photo -- to take your marketing to a whole new level.

How testiBOONials works

Your custom Testimonial Marketing Engine (TME) is set up at a unique URL for your business, with a testimonial collection page and as many public pages as required to display all the testimonials you receive from your customers.

To get testimonials, just direct your customers to your testimonial collection-page URL and let them choose the submission method for which they are most comfortable. They can submit video (using their web cam), audio (using their computer microphone or telephone), or text & photo (via an online form).

When a testimonial is submitted, it's automatically posted to your testiBOONials account in draft form and you are notified by email. You can then preview the submission and decide whether or not to publish it (a simple one-step process).

Once published, submissions appear on your testiBOONials public page.

That's it -- it doesn't get any simpler

Your testiBOONials system collects and posts testimonials from your customers with almost no work on your part.

Just direct them to the collection-page URL to leave their testimonials and link your prospects to the public-page URL to view the testimonials.

Your Testimonial Marketing Engine has these features:

  • Seamlessly integrated with your online presence. We customize each system to match the look of your website (banner, font style/size, and background color).
  • 100% self-manageable. Approve/reject submissions, add/change text, and manually add testimonials from within your online testiBOONials account.
  • Displays an unlimited number of testimonials -- video, audio, text/photo -- for a single, low monthly fee.
  • Resides at your own Internet domain -- and each testimonial is placed at a unique URL so you can direct prospects to those testimonials most relevant to their specific situation.

This testiBOONials public page is an asset to your business that grows in value with each added entry. Place the URL link to this page on your website, include it in your emails, and add it to your offline promotions.


  • Makes it dead simple for your customers to provide you with video, audio, and text/photo testimonials (just direct them to your testiBOONials collection-page URL).
  • Allows ALL of your testimonials to be easily accessible to prospective customers (just direct them to your testiBOONials public-page URL).
  • Addresses all of the reasons why testimonials aren't used as much as they should (see Origins).
  • Increases the credibility of your customer's testimonials. (Video, audio, and text/photo comments have far more credibility than plain text).
  • Drives traffic to your website. testiBOONials public pages (which include a link to your website) frequently get found by search engines when people search on keyword phrases related to your business. Why? Because those phrases are what your customers naturally use to describe your business and because we have optimized our Testimonial Marketing Engine to be super-visible to the search engines.
Next Steps

To find out about our low pricing, our unconditional guarantee, and the simple steps to get our custom Testimonial Marketing Engine working for you, just click below.


Take Your Marketing To A Whole New Level

The opportunities to use your testiBOONials system to make your marketing 1000 times more effective are limited only by your imagination.

Here are just a few of the possibilities:

  • Personally ask your most satisfied customers for a testimonial and then make it easy for them to provide one -- in video, audio, or text/photo -- by referring them to your testiBOONials collections-page URL.
  • Send an email to all new customers that includes your testiBOONials collections-page URL and ask for their feedback in whatever format they're most comfortable (video, audio, text).
  • Set up an autoresponder with a link to your testiBOONials collections-page URL to be sent automatically to people who attended an event of yours -- and ask for their feedback.
  • Include a link to your testiBOONials public-page URL on your website, in your emails, or in your printed promotional materials to make it easy for your prospects to learn how great your product/service is.


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