Why Sports?


At the center of every village in Belize rests a soccer field...

At the center of any Belizean conversation rests the game of soccer. If you want to see a pair of eyes light up, ask any Belizean about their love for soccer. Its their passion and their hope. And without any outlet for developing children and youth, soccer is the clear initiative to transform communities in Belize.

Who we are

Sports Servants serves as a catalyst for changed lives and transformed communities through the outlet of sports. We serve as a partnering agent between U.S. volunteers bringing their passion to serve along with the proper resources, organization, and knowledge to Belizeans who bring their passion to help their children and improve their communities. Summer camp programs and relationship-building leads to leadership development, coaching training, and league formation within schools.

Sports as a medium

"Sports has the ability to change the world, the power to inspire, the power to unite people in a way that little else can. It speaks to people in a language they understand. Sports can hope where there was once despair. It is an instrument of peace." -Nelson Mandela

In many ways Americans have lost the idea of what is important about sports. It’s not about jumbotrons, jerseys, or million dollar contracts. It’s not even about winning. We believe that before money, power, or fame crept into the world of sports, it was good—very good. It's a path that can lead us to real life. Many who are looking for direction can finally find a sense of purpose, a place to meet new friends, and an opportunity to learn the important values of discipline, respect, teamwork, leadership, self confidence, communication, and sportsmanship without even realizing it. More than anything, it’s a place where the hopeless can find hope because they become part of a greater story going on in this world.

Many parts of the world lack the simple organization and leadership necessary to start effective sports programs. In their absence, dangerous and destructive paths are being formed that leave children and youth left to discover life on their own. We fight this by establishing a better alternative by improving and enhancing what they already enjoy… sports. We set up camps, coaching workshops and leagues where kids and adults can play and learn more about the game that they love. And while setting up these organized structures, we train local leaders to take over the programs.

It’s a new era of organized programs in Belize -- where sports will be used to change lives. It is a way where regardless of age and ability, all children will get the chance to play. It will be a time when the goodness of sports returns to the center stage and trophies are mere objects that will one day tarnish. The real trophies will be changed lives of children and youth and a brighter future for the country of Belize.

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