
Stories At The Twilight Of Empire

Personal Energy Distribution

spacer by Paulaspacer 11 Comments
Tags: downscaling | downsizing | energy investment | extrication | health | personal energy
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I spent this week traipsing back and forth across Pennsylvania, literally the whole width of the state. My Grandpa died over the weekend, so I had a funeral to attend in Delaware Water Gap, which is on the New Jersey border. The next day I had a very long meeting in Williamsport. As home base for all the driving around I was in State College. For all the driving, I could have made it clear back to Portland.

I finally made it back to the squat Thursday night around 10:30 – 11:00 or so. I crashed by around 1:00 am and slept almost straight thru until 1:00 pm today. I had the worst time dragging my ass out of bed to go get Zeke from the kennel, and after I got him squared away I was so tired I went back to sleep around 3:00 pm, and slept again straight thru until about 8:00 pm.

When I did finally wake up I was so tired I could hardly think or function. I figured I needed food but I was way too tired to cook anything so I went to Subway — a huge no-no in my extrication efforts — and then, even worse, I broke down and bought a pack of smokes after not having smoked in over a month.

I hit a crash-and-burn energy wall today. I just simply ran out of energy for anything, even just to maintain what I already had going. The driving, the funeral, the meeting, being separated from my dog, sadness over my Grandpa, all of it beat me right the fuck down.

I was tempted to beat myself up over crashing so hard & being so undisciplined, but I’m not doing that. Instead I decided to try to learn something from it and I came up with the idea of  ”personal energy distribution.” And so I fired up Illustrator and sketched out my own personal energy distribution.


My Personal Energy Distribution — click for readable view

I’m sure this is elementary and obvious to most conscious people but it’s a new perspective for me, so please bear with me.

The basic idea is this: everyone has 100% energy, and various demands of life eat through that energy on a daily basis. I crashed today because of the physical and emotional demands of the past week depleted my energy.

But more than that, being disciplined about something — such as avoiding unnecessary restaurant expenses or quitting smoking — requires a redistribution of personal energy, because discipline requires effort. If you’re already running at capacity, adding something new for which you need to be disciplined will almost certainly result in failure. An equivalent amount of energy has to be taken from something else in order to be successful; or, alternatively, extra personal energy has to be added from the outside, which typically ends up being in the form of coffee, high doses of B vitamins, or some other stimulant. Personal energy capacity can also be increased by improving health, but this has to start with discipline, which requires a redistribution of existing energy.

I’ve been approaching my whole extrication project from the point of view of money, but now I think that’s wrong. It’s not about the money, it’s about the energy. Downscaling expenses serves the larger purpose of freeing up my energy.

What’s interesting is that the concept of EROEI applies here. It’s possible to spend energy on things that actually give you more energy in the end. Improving health, as mentioned above, has a net positive return on energy investment. For some people large social gatherings may provide a positive return on energy investment, while for others it might be sex, and for still others it might be solitude.

What I also found interesting in sketching out my chart was that there wasn’t any place for a time component. Time seems to be irrelevant to personal energy. I can spend 16 hours drawing and have used up the same energy I would spend on 4 hours of client work. So for example in my “goal state” bar, I have “work” and “creative & intellectual pursuits” taking up the same amount of energy — but to achieve this, the time distribution would have to be 4:1.

Right now my energy distribution sucks. Intuitively I’ve known this for a super long time, but seeing a visual presentation makes it much more clear. I’m investing all this energy in client & agency work and getting back almost no energy return. I do get money, but again, reducing my expenses means I need less money and therefore don’t have to spend so much of my energy working. I spend almost no energy on anything that will increase my personal energy. No wonder I feel like shit most of the time!

To complicate matters, I have significantly less energy than most people. It has never been otherwise. Back in the day I had every medical test known to man to try to figure out the problem but to no avail. After extensive research I diagnosed myself with low thyroid function even though all the blood tests come back saying my thyroid is fine. I take a fairly intense herbal remedy for it, which helps a lot, but has not resolved the issue by any stretch of the imagination. I also have nut-case insanities that sap my energy and which are probably also unresolvable, even though they take up very little time. So on the whole I have to set my goals and plans and such at a much lower bar than anybody else. Which totally blows but what can ya do.

So I guess my next step then is to figure out something that increases my personal energy, and redistribute existing energy to that so I can be disciplined about it. At this point I have no idea what that might be. I’ll have to sleep on it I guess.

Redemption 03.03.2012 4-ish pm — I made up for yesterday’s Subway/smoking blunder:

  • I chain smoked until I induced myself with nausea and a monster headache, at which point I put the rest of the pack down the (working) garbage disposal.
  • I refused Girl Scout cookies from actual Girl Scouts. I am not enjoying them this very moment.
  • I stashed away $50 toward my $1000 parachute fund.
  • Looks like I may be free of my most problematic client.

I still don’t feel great, but I feel better.

To Ran’s comment: Declining empires are poor people! Now that I can see it, it makes sense that the aggregate macro would atomize down.

11 Responses

  1. Jesse says:
    03.03.2012 at 2:34 am

    I really hear you about the energy. I do freelance web work too and I’ve had some amazing results this past week using the Pomodoro technique. Basically you use a timer so that you work for eg 25 mins at a time and giving yourself frequent eg 5 minute breaks. And after four of these 25 minute “pomodoros” you have a longer eg 15-20 minute break. The whole thing helps you to stay in a state of flow, so that the whole day feels like you’re just starting work, because I think it’s the long uninterrupted sessions that stress your body and mind out and drain you. I ended up getting in more hours this week than I ever have, and didn’t feel drained at any point.

    • Paula says:
      03.03.2012 at 2:39 am

      Oh wow, that looks like it could be really useful. I’m getting to the point where I absolutely dread trying to unconstipate my in-box anymore. I’ll google this myself, but do you happen to have a favorite link or two?

    • Paula says:
      03.03.2012 at 2:48 am

      By the way… would you happen to be looking for any new clients? I’m trying to get rid of some.

      • Jesse says:
        03.03.2012 at 3:00 am

        I’m not taking on new clients right now, but thanks spacer
        Here are a couple pages I read about pomodoro:

  2. Ted says:
    03.03.2012 at 3:04 pm

    I think if you are an Aries your energy level will be going up soon! It will get stronger with the sun. Works that way for me. Spring time is coming!

    • Paula says:
      03.04.2012 at 3:08 pm

      I hope you’re right Ted! It also doesn’t help that Mars is retrograding thru Virgo right now, which for me triggers a sensitive Yod that, in this case, is feeding my get-up-and-go directly to fuzzy, out-of-focus, black-hole Neptune. Mars turns direct on April 14 so I expect that between that & the Solstice I’ll be able to get back to feeling somewhat normal.

      • Ted says:
        03.05.2012 at 5:42 pm

        Well sounds like you are a lot more into it than I am! I never really got that much farther than my sun and moon sign and rising sign. But I think there is something to it with the sun. When the sun is weak I feel weak.

        Maybe its just lack of vitamin D! spacer Or maybe I should move to California!

  3. Mark says:
    03.04.2012 at 12:39 pm

    I suggest regular aerobic/cardio workouts. My favorite is running. Once you have gained the habit, personal energy and efficiency should increase.

  4. Matt K says:
    03.05.2012 at 5:00 pm

    I agree with Mark. Exercise does lots and LOTS of wonders for me. If you can put exercise towards practical day-to-day life, it’s even better because then you are exercising with a purpose.

    • Paula says:
      03.05.2012 at 5:22 pm

      Well the issue with that is the thyroid thing doesn’t mesh with aerobic exercise the same way a normally functioning thyroid does. I’ve certainly tried this many times and it ends up depleting my energy even more. 3-4 weeks in, I just can’t sustain it and I basically crash in exhaustion.

      What DOES help however is yoga. Once upon a time I did yoga every day religiously — I definitely need to get back this. Yoga’s almost like magic it’s so great.

      What I’m attempting to do currently is unload some of my clients so I can free up some time; once I have that time free, I’ll be able to devote more to self-care.

  5. Joel says:
    03.06.2012 at 2:19 pm

    I’m a low-energy type myself. My parents woke up in the middle of my first night home, terrified that I had died, but no: I just was quiet that first night.

    The best medicine for me has been folk dance. It hasn’t solved my problems, but it’s helped a lot. Mark’s right that any sort of cardio would be great, I’m sure, but a dance that was choreographed a hundred years ago is especially helpful to me: the music lets you know that the time to act is near, and you don’t have to decide *what* to do, you just need to decide *to do* it. There’s a social group to support your continued participation, and an intellectual challenge of learning the dances, but for me the most important part has been the exercise of knowing the right time to act, and taking action.

    My journey has been to start with Irish céilidh (pronounced “kaylee”) dance, and move on to set dancing (similar to French quadrilles), but I’ve done enough Balkan dance to know it is a more intense workout for mindfulness and habit interruption, and enough contra, square, English country, etc. to know that they all have some real merit.

    I strongly recommend looking into folk dance opportunities in your city, if you’re struggling with energy. In many cases, the dances were developed so that one could spend a long summer day cutting and stacking hay, a short night dancing, and then another day on field work: mere sleep wouldn’t be enough to refresh a person during the harvest season.


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