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Jeremys Home Page


Hello my new friend, welcome to my website. My hope is, that during your visit to this website you will be encouraged to snuggle a bit closer to Jesus Christ, to read more of His word and live a life of renewed hope and obedience.

Several years ago God nudged me to write a book of encouragement for His struggling children. I of course struggled to think or believe in any way that I could write a book in the first place.

But after much resistance I obeyed, and sure enough, in the end God won out with a book titled “Just Loving Them.”


Not everyone is impressed with Christianity in today’s world. Additionally, there are many in the Christian community who believe their past is torrid beyond God’s ability or desire to use them in any kind of ministry field.

The message of “Just loving Them” will draw many to take a closer look at real Christianity. Friend, my hope is when you have read “Just Loving Them” you will realize that God Loves you and is desperate to have a wonderfully intimate relationship with you and yes, will use you mightily in ministry if you are only willing.

If God can use Jeremy He can use anybody. The following was written by my editor: “Jeremy has been loving and living his message for over ten years.

Just Loving Them is the account of Jeremy’s history, the call and birth of the Bonfire Ministry to the street youth in his home town, and finally the establishment of the Mission Church, a response to the needs of those who craved more of Jesus, but who couldn’t-or-wouldn’t attend a mainstream church at the outset of their re-birth.


Jeremy is not a teacher, he says; he is an encourager. But he has been described as “apt to teach” through the many stories interspersed throughout the book.

The reader will “see Jesus” on nearly every page of this book, and when he has finally put the book down, he will feel a strange mixture of joy, and then a longing to find his own niche of blessing in his world.”

Karen Patry

Well, my friend, on this website you will find three chapters of the book and a store to purchase the book if you should choose to do so. You will find a section on poetry to warm your heart.

A place for your own comments on the book, and or suggestions for the website, or even prayer requests. And if you wish, a place to add your e-mail to the weekly Barnabas letter of encouragement. And remember, ministry is something that happens naturally through a life surrendered to Jesus Christ. It’s all about your personal relationship with Jesus.

As a friend of mine who has a wonderful relationship with Jesus says, “I can’t help it, I just have to share Christ with others.”

God Bless you,

Thank you for Visiting Just Jeremy's!

Press Release
The Barnabas Letter
Readers Remarks

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