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21 January 2012

Rambo Sambo: Introducing a Guest Blogger!!!

A recent realization that this blog has actually assisted people in their derby and life goals, has prompted me to step it up a notch and add some new features. What began as a way for me to channel the abundance of words floating around in my head and later help me heal through a bit of trauma, is hopefully now going to morph into a more entertaining and helpful resource for derby enthusiasts. So right now, I'm very pleased to announce that I've recruited a most exquisitely talented skater to give us all some actual guidance. I'm very honored to introduce Miss "Gams of Steel" incarnate, Rambo Sambo (Nashville Rollergirls Music City All Star jammer, Four-year team captain, and derby aficionado), as the first ever Kate in Skates guest blogger!!!  


I'm giving Rambo the space to pretty much blog whatever she wants...which, I am told, will very graciously include her highly top-secret (<--I made that up), kick-ass, derby work-out tips.  She's going to be the intelligent voice of reason to reign in my somewhat incomprehensible ass-talking.  I'm extremely excited about this!  And since she still kind of intimidates the hell out of me (seriously, skaters just bounce off of her crazy, muscled-up ass!!!), I've decided to put her through one of my random interviews, with bonus questions, in an attempt to humanize her for us all.  (You should all know by now that I'm being very facetious...she's really a very lovely girl!)  So read all about her, develop a little derby crush on her, and then get super excited about her blog posts starting very soon!!

Name: Rambo Sambo
Number: M60
Are you seeing these gams?!?!
1. What league(s) are you/have you been affiliated with?
Rogue Rollergirls and Nashville Rollergirls

2. How long have you been skating?
Since 2006

3. How did you discover derby?
I read an article in the local newspaper in NC and knew it was for me instantly. I joined that weekend and never stopped.

4. List your most notable derby injuries?
I had a meniscus scare in the Spring of 2007, but it was a-ok! Other than that, nothing other than bumps and bruises thankfully!

5. What was/is your oddest non-derby injury?
When I was about six, my sister hit me in the head with a shovel. Yup. She's awesome. I grew up in New England and my Dad owned a landscaping business. After one of the crazy snow storms my Dad was clearing the driveway while Natalie and I were digging in the snow. He gave us a couple of his landscaping shovels to tunnel with in a giant snow bank. Well, with one giant heave of snow over my sister's shoulder, she nailed me in the forehead right above the left eye. A couple of butterfly stitches and a nap later, I was back out in the snow. That may have been my first concussion, but I don't remember.

6. How did you select your derby name and number?
I've had the nickname Rambo Sambo for quite some time, so that was an obvious pick. As far as M60, is the gun of Rambo.

7. What equipment/set-up are you currently using?
ANTIK!!! I love them. I have the Suregrip xk4 plate and Reckless wheels. For pads: TSG knee pads, Pro Design wrist guards, Triple 8 helmet, and I'm in between elbow pads.

8. Did you play sports before derby, if so, what?
 You name it, I tried it. Try is the operative word! I mainly played volleyball, basketball, and softball.

9. Do you have any pre-bout rituals?
 Sure! I think every derby girl has some kind of routine they do not like to stray from. I like to be flexible, you can get so worked up over a little scheduling mishap and it's not worth it. Plus when you travel it's never the same twice. Control what you can control and let everything else go. Sorry, what was your question? ;-) I like to sleep in, get in a small cardio workout in the AM, eat some grub, chill out, shower, play my pre-bout music, then get with my teammates.

10. What is your "breakfast of champions"?
It's two fold on a regular day. Round one: Coffee or tea, water, oatmeal or some kind of organic grain cereal or Greek yogurt with granola. Then workout! Round two: Coffee or tea, water, protein shake, eggs, veggie/fruit, maybe a slice of Ezekiel bread.

11. Who are your derby heroes and why?

My teammates. They push me to be the best athlete I can be. They need my best, and when I don't give my all, I know it and they know it. I never want to let them down.

12. When not being a derby badass, what do you do for work (company can be kept anonymous)?
I am so grateful to have the job that I have. I work from home for my artist-boyfriend. Working from home gives me the flexibility to train when I want, easily make practices, and travel for games. I am so thankful to have what I have.

13. What are some derby names that you find particularly funny/clever?
Ohh geeze....There are so many great names out there. I'm lame and cannot think of one.

spacer 14. What is your non-derby first name?

15. If you could have chosen your own non-derby name, what would it be?
I wouldn't! I love it. I can be a classy "Samantha" and then a tomboy "Sam". It fits me to a T.

16. What are your non-derby hobbies/activities/hidden talents?
Working out and coming up with insane things to put my body through is probably my biggest hobby. I also enjoy manual labor; kind of odd, but true.

17. Do you collect anything, if so, what/why?
Belt buckles. I started when I was a kid. When my Grand Dad passed away I was given his belt and deer buckle.  From there on out I would look for them at thrift stores and antique shops. I do not have an obscene amount, but I have a nice unique collection.

18. What was your favorite Holiday or Birthday present received as a kid?
I can't remember the name if it; bear with me as I try to pull this image out of my memory. One Christmas, my sister and I got a race track thing where the cars were attached on a circuit. You had remote controllers and raced each other. It was so simple but so much fun! We played with our Dad for hours. And LINCOLN LOGS! I don't think they were a "gift",  but they were passed down to us from my Dad. They were the best. I still want to live in a log cabin.

19. Who was the object of your most embarrassing teenage celebrity obsession?
Ughh. Do I have to answer this? Probably JTT...he was all over Tiger Beat. I did have a crush on Larry Bird (go figure) summer I wore a Celts hat every day...even to bed. He was a player.

20. Which celebrity would you like to be friends with?
I have no idea. I like to think celebrities want to be friends with me!

21. Do you have Tattoos? What, where, and why?
I got the conjoined twins on my arm because I have a twin sister, plus I really liked the art. My Drinky Crow is rad because I have the original Tony Millionaire to match it. The Day of the Dead skull on my neck is an original that I asked my boyfriend to draw up and my friend made it permanent. There are others, but they can remain a mystery!

22. What is something that most people don’t know, or would never guess about you?
Considering I have a huge mouth, probably nothing.

23. What movie(s )can you watch over and over and never get sick of?
Goonies, Sandlot, Newsies, First Blood, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Billy Madison and all the Rocky movies.

24. I can't leave the house without...?
A snack and water bottle.

25. What would I find in your refrigerator right now?
Almond milk, spinach, Greek yogurt, Ezekiel bread, Blue Moon, eggs, soda water, olives, grapefruit

26. What is your most over-used word or phrase?
"Yeah, right?" (Not all valley girl and Clueless Yeah right?!?. But in an agreement type of way, Yeah, right?)

27. What is the last book you've read?
Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang by Chelsea Handler

28. Very first set of wheels?
1988 gray Chevy celebrity station wagon, she was pretty.

29. What is the biggest life hurdle that you have overcome?
Being a teenager. Yikes! I love you Mom!

30. List 3 things that you plan to accomplish in 2012?
Compete at the WFTDA Champs
Coach more derby teams
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